Hi Yifan, all
On 29/06/2011 11:28, Yifan Jiang wrote:
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 02:41:57PM +0800, Yifan Jiang wrote:
     3. In DE testgroup, the impress and draw are separated and they got more
     cases than other languages. (Yifan will follow up this)

Hi all,

The difference is obvious to see in run report :


     Subgroup: #DE - Impress
     Subgroup: #DE - Draw

     Subgroup: #EN - Impress&  Draw

     Subgroup: #FR - Impress&  Draw

IMHO, The DE version test cases (which separate Impress and Draw test case
groups) look more reasonable and easy to handle against combining Impress and
Draw cases.

Not sure if we had particular concerns to put the 2 set of cases together in
English veresion (probably other languages version are derived from that)? So
what's your opinion to:

     1. divide Impress/Draw cases finally for all languages.

     2. translate the incremental part of DE cases to English, then from
     English to all other languages :)

Yes, and we should really get the same tests in every languages.
@the German group, please, if you add/modify tests, let us know so that we can discuss and report the changes to get them for all the testers. Being able to compare or check the same sets in all languages is part of the QA and the overall quality of the process.
Thanks in advance :)

Kind regards
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