basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx                                 |    4 
 basctl/source/dlged/dlgedobj.cxx                              |    4 
 basctl/source/inc/dlgedobj.hxx                                |    4 
 basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx                             |    4 
 chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Window.cxx      |    4 
 chart2/source/view/main/DrawModelWrapper.cxx                  |    2 
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 starmath/inc/node.hxx                                         |   12 
 starmath/inc/pch/precompiled_sm.hxx                           |    2 
 starmath/inc/utility.hxx                                      |   24 
 starmath/inc/view.hxx                                         |    2 
 starmath/source/ElementsDockingWindow.cxx                     |    2 
 starmath/source/mathmlexport.cxx                              |   12 
 starmath/source/mathmlimport.cxx                              |    6 
 starmath/source/node.cxx                                      |   42 
 starmath/source/parse.cxx                                     |   10 
 starmath/source/utility.cxx                                   |    6 
 starmath/source/view.cxx                                      |   26 
 starmath/source/visitors.cxx                                  |    2 
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 svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox2.cxx                             |    4 
 svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.cxx                              |   18 
 svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.hxx                              |    6 
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 svtools/source/filter/exportdialog.cxx                        |    4 
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 svtools/source/misc/imap.cxx                                  |   42 
 svx/inc/pch/precompiled_svxcore.hxx                           |    2 
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 svx/inc/svdoopengl.hxx                                        |    2 
 svx/inc/sxmsitm.hxx                                           |    4 
 svx/inc/sxreaitm.hxx                                          |    8 
 svx/inc/sxreoitm.hxx                                          |    8 
 svx/source/customshapes/EnhancedCustomShape3d.cxx             |    8 
 svx/source/customshapes/EnhancedCustomShapeFunctionParser.cxx |   12 
 svx/source/dialog/connctrl.cxx                                |   28 
 svx/source/dialog/graphctl.cxx                                |    6 
 svx/source/dialog/measctrl.cxx                                |   26 
 svx/source/dialog/pagectrl.cxx                                |   10 
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 svx/source/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontactofunocontrol.cxx      |   10 
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 svx/source/sdr/properties/defaultproperties.cxx               |    2 
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 svx/source/sdr/properties/properties.cxx                      |    2 
 svx/source/sidebar/possize/PosSizePropertyPanel.cxx           |   36 
 svx/source/sidebar/possize/PosSizePropertyPanel.hxx           |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdattr.cxx                                 |   32 
 svx/source/svdraw/svddrag.cxx                                 |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svddrgm1.hxx                                |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svddrgmt.cxx                                |   64 -
 svx/source/svdraw/svdedtv1.cxx                                |   20 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdfmtf.cxx                                 |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdfmtf.hxx                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdglev.cxx                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdibrow.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdmodel.cxx                                |   36 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdoashp.cxx                                |   20 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdobj.cxx                                  |   28 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdocapt.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdocirc.cxx                                |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdoedge.cxx                                |    6 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdograf.cxx                                |    6 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdogrp.cxx                                 |   22 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdomeas.cxx                                |   20 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdoole2.cxx                                |   50 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdoopengl.cxx                              |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdopath.cxx                                |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdorect.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdotext.cxx                                |   10 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdotxdr.cxx                                |   12 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdotxed.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdotxtr.cxx                                |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdouno.cxx                                 |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdovirt.cxx                                |    6 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdpntv.cxx                                 |    6 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdpoev.cxx                                 |    8 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdsnpv.cxx                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdtext.cxx                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdtrans.cxx                                |   72 -
 svx/source/svdraw/svdview.cxx                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdxcgv.cxx                                 |   32 
 svx/source/table/svdotable.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/unodraw/UnoGraphicExporter.cxx                     |   16 
 svx/source/unodraw/unoshape.cxx                               |    4 
 sw/inc/accmap.hxx                                             |    6 
 sw/inc/dcontact.hxx                                           |    4 
 sw/inc/pagedesc.hxx                                           |    8 
 sw/inc/pagepreviewlayout.hxx                                  |    6 
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 sw/source/core/doc/tblrwcl.cxx                                |   10 
 sw/source/core/docnode/ndnotxt.cxx                            |    4 
 sw/source/core/draw/dcontact.cxx                              |    6 
 sw/source/core/draw/dflyobj.cxx                               |    4 
 sw/source/core/frmedt/fecopy.cxx                              |    4 
 sw/source/core/graphic/ndgrf.cxx                              |    8 
 sw/source/core/inc/dflyobj.hxx                                |    8 
 sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx                                |    4 
 sw/source/core/layout/anchoreddrawobject.cxx                  |    7 
 sw/source/core/layout/fly.cxx                                 |    8 
 sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx                            |   19 
 sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx                                |    2 
 sw/source/core/txtnode/fntcache.cxx                           |   10 
 sw/source/core/view/pagepreviewlayout.cxx                     |   14 
 sw/source/core/view/viewimp.cxx                               |    6 
 sw/source/core/view/viewpg.cxx                                |   10 
 sw/source/core/view/viewsh.cxx                                |   10 
 sw/source/core/view/vnew.cxx                                  |    2 
 sw/source/filter/html/htmlflywriter.cxx                       |    8 
 sw/source/filter/writer/wrtswtbl.cxx                          |    8 
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 sw/source/filter/ww8/docxattributeoutput.cxx                  |    2 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfexport.cxx                            |    2 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/writerhelper.cxx                         |   18 
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 sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf.cxx                              |   18 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par4.cxx                              |    8 
 sw/source/ui/misc/pgfnote.cxx                                 |    6 
 sw/source/uibase/docvw/PostItMgr.cxx                          |   20 
 sw/source/uibase/docvw/SidebarWin.cxx                         |   38 
 sw/source/uibase/frmdlg/colex.cxx                             |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/inc/pview.hxx                                |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/inc/view.hxx                                 |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uiview/pview.cxx                             |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uiview/swcli.cxx                             |    8 
 sw/source/uibase/uiview/view.cxx                              |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uiview/viewmdi.cxx                           |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uiview/viewport.cxx                          |   18 
 sw/source/uibase/utlui/uiitems.cxx                            |    6 
 sw/source/uibase/wrtsh/wrtsh1.cxx                             |   12 
 toolkit/source/awt/vclxtoolkit.cxx                            |    4 
 toolkit/source/awt/vclxwindow.cxx                             |    2 
 tools/                               |    1 
 tools/                                           |    2 
 tools/qa/cppunit/test_rational.cxx                            |  101 ++
 tools/source/generic/fract.cxx                                |  504 ----------
 tools/source/generic/rational.cxx                             |  172 +++
 tools/test/tests.cxx                                          |  111 --
 vcl/inc/unx/salgdi.h                                          |    2 
 vcl/inc/window.h                                              |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/graphicfilter.cxx                           |    6 
 vcl/source/filter/graphicfilter2.cxx                          |    6 
 vcl/source/filter/jpeg/JpegReader.cxx                         |    4 
 vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.cxx                                 |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.cxx                                 |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/sgvtext.cxx                                 |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/wmf/emfwr.cxx                               |    4 
 vcl/source/filter/wmf/winmtf.cxx                              |    4 
 vcl/source/filter/wmf/winwmf.cxx                              |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/wmf/wmfwr.cxx                               |   42 
 vcl/source/gdi/cvtsvm.cxx                                     |   10 
 vcl/source/gdi/dibtools.cxx                                   |    4 
 vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx                                     |   12 
 vcl/source/gdi/impgraph.cxx                                   |   12 
 vcl/source/gdi/mapmod.cxx                                     |    8 
 vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx                             |    4 
 vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl2.cxx                            |    4 
 vcl/source/gdi/textlayout.cxx                                 |    2 
 vcl/source/gdi/virdev.cxx                                     |    2 
 vcl/source/outdev/font.cxx                                    |    2 
 vcl/source/outdev/map.cxx                                     |  157 +--
 vcl/source/window/window.cxx                                  |    2 
 vcl/source/window/window2.cxx                                 |   26 
 writerfilter/source/dmapper/WrapPolygonHandler.cxx            |   18 
 writerfilter/source/dmapper/WrapPolygonHandler.hxx            |    4 
 365 files changed, 1879 insertions(+), 2448 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 47a2d7642d249d70b5da0c330a73f3a0032e4bba
Author: Juan Picca <>
Date:   Fri Sep 19 14:19:30 2014 -0300

    fdo#81356: convert Fraction to boost::rational<long> - wip
    * Added rational util functions used by Fraction class not
      available in the boost::rational class.
    * Replaced usage of Fraction by boost::rational<long>
    * Removed code that relies on:
      1. fraction.IsValid() -- rational only allow valid values, ie
         denominator() != 0
      2. rational.denominator() == 0 -- always false
      3. rational.denominator() < 0 -- always false but implementation
    * Simplified code that relies on:
      1. rational.denominator() != 0 -- always true
    * BUGS EXIST because Fraction allows the creation of invalid values but
      boost::rational throws the exception boost::bad_rational
    Change-Id: I84970a4956afb3f91ac0c8f726547466319420f9
    Reviewed-by: David Tardon <>
    Tested-by: David Tardon <>

diff --git a/basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx b/basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx
index 9800c4c..5d8373a 100644
--- a/basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx
+++ b/basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ DlgEditor::DlgEditor (
     pDlgEdView->SetWorkArea( Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), pDlgEdPage->GetSize() ) 
     pDlgEdView->SetGridCoarse( aGridSize );
-    pDlgEdView->SetSnapGridWidth(Fraction(aGridSize.Width(), 1), 
Fraction(aGridSize.Height(), 1));
+    pDlgEdView->SetSnapGridWidth(boost::rational<long>(aGridSize.Width(),1), 
     pDlgEdView->SetGridSnap( bGridSnap );
     pDlgEdView->SetGridVisible( bGridVisible );
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(DlgEditor, PaintTimeout)
                 Size   aSize = rWindow.PixelToLogic( Size( 400, 300 ) );
                 // align with grid
-                Size aGridSize_(long(pDlgEdView->GetSnapGridWidthX()), 
+                Size 
                 aSize.Width()  -= aSize.Width()  % aGridSize_.Width();
                 aSize.Height() -= aSize.Height() % aGridSize_.Height();
diff --git a/basctl/source/dlged/dlgedobj.cxx b/basctl/source/dlged/dlgedobj.cxx
index 4d52b5f..89a0207 100644
--- a/basctl/source/dlged/dlgedobj.cxx
+++ b/basctl/source/dlged/dlgedobj.cxx
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ void DlgEdObj::NbcMove( const Size& rSize )
-void DlgEdObj::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFract, const 
Fraction& yFract)
+void DlgEdObj::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFract, const boost::rational<long>& yFract)
     SdrUnoObj::NbcResize( rRef, xFract, yFract );
@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ void DlgEdForm::NbcMove( const Size& rSize )
-void DlgEdForm::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFract, const 
Fraction& yFract)
+void DlgEdForm::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFract, const boost::rational<long>& yFract)
     SdrUnoObj::NbcResize( rRef, xFract, yFract );
diff --git a/basctl/source/inc/dlgedobj.hxx b/basctl/source/inc/dlgedobj.hxx
index 525a551..33e489f 100644
--- a/basctl/source/inc/dlgedobj.hxx
+++ b/basctl/source/inc/dlgedobj.hxx
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ protected:
              const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSFac);
     virtual void NbcMove( const Size& rSize ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     using SfxListener::StartListening;
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ private:
     virtual void NbcMove( const Size& rSize ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd) SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx 
index 56879a7..472d4b7 100644
--- a/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@ static double GetDialogZoomFactor( bool bX, long nValue )
     if( pDevice )
         Size aRefSize( nValue, nValue );
-        Fraction aFracX( 1, 26 );
-        Fraction aFracY( 1, 24 );
+        boost::rational<long> aFracX( 1, 26 );
+        boost::rational<long> aFracY( 1, 24 );
         MapMode aMap( MAP_APPFONT, Point(), aFracX, aFracY );
         Size aScaledSize = pDevice->LogicToPixel( aRefSize, aMap );
         aRefSize = pDevice->LogicToPixel( aRefSize, MapMode(MAP_TWIP) );
diff --git a/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Window.cxx 
index c367f65..d8fbd16 100644
--- a/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Window.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Window.cxx
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ void SAL_CALL ChartController::setPosSize(
         MapMode aNewMapMode(
-                    Fraction(nScaleXNumerator, nScaleXDenominator),
-                    Fraction(nScaleYNumerator, nScaleYDenominator) );
+                    boost::rational<long>(nScaleXNumerator, 
+                    boost::rational<long>(nScaleYNumerator, 
nScaleYDenominator) );
         m_pChartWindow->setPosSizePixel( X, Y, Width, Height, Flags );
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/main/DrawModelWrapper.cxx 
index d917ee1..65d98b6 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/main/DrawModelWrapper.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/main/DrawModelWrapper.cxx
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ DrawModelWrapper::DrawModelWrapper( const 
     m_pChartItemPool = ChartItemPool::CreateChartItemPool();
-    SetScaleFraction(Fraction(1, 1));
+    SetScaleFraction(boost::rational<long>(1, 1));
     SetDefaultFontHeight(423);     // 12pt
     SfxItemPool* pMasterPool = &GetItemPool();
diff --git a/connectivity/inc/pch/precompiled_dbtools.hxx 
index 40fa64c..3d63700 100644
--- a/connectivity/inc/pch/precompiled_dbtools.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/inc/pch/precompiled_dbtools.hxx
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 #include <svtools/miscopt.hxx>
 #include <tools/debug.hxx>
 #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
 #include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
 #include <unotools/confignode.hxx>
 #include <unotools/datetime.hxx>
diff --git a/connectivity/source/commontools/RowFunctionParser.cxx 
index c296337..f6df2ea 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/commontools/RowFunctionParser.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/commontools/RowFunctionParser.cxx
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #include <boost/spirit/include/classic_core.hpp>
 #include "RowFunctionParser.hxx"
 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx
index 0fcd835..59e24f9 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx
@@ -812,8 +812,8 @@ void SvxCropExample::SetFrameSize( const Size& rSz )
         aFrameSize.Height() = 1;
     Size aWinSize( GetOutputSizePixel() );
-    Fraction aXScale( aWinSize.Width() * 4, aFrameSize.Width() * 5 );
-    Fraction aYScale( aWinSize.Height() * 4, aFrameSize.Height() * 5 );
+    boost::rational<long> aXScale( aWinSize.Width() * 4, aFrameSize.Width() * 
5 );
+    boost::rational<long> aYScale( aWinSize.Height() * 4, aFrameSize.Height() 
* 5 );
     if( aYScale < aXScale )
         aXScale = aYScale;
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/transfrm.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/transfrm.cxx
index c6273945..ff024ad 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/transfrm.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/transfrm.cxx
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ static void lcl_ConvertRect(basegfx::B2DRange& rRange, const 
sal_uInt16 nDigits,
     rRange = basegfx::B2DRange(aTopLeft, aBottomRight);
-static void lcl_ScaleRect(basegfx::B2DRange& rRange, const Fraction aUIScale)
+static void lcl_ScaleRect(basegfx::B2DRange& rRange, const 
boost::rational<long> aUIScale)
-    const double fFactor(1.0 / double(aUIScale));
+    const double fFactor(1.0 / boost::rational_cast<double>(aUIScale));
     rRange = basegfx::B2DRange(rRange.getMinimum() * fFactor, 
rRange.getMaximum() * fFactor);
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ void SvxAngleTabPage::Construct()
     // take scale into account
-    const Fraction aUIScale(pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale());
+    const boost::rational<long> aUIScale = pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
     lcl_ScaleRect(maRange, aUIScale);
     // take UI units into account
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ bool SvxAngleTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet* rSet)
     if(m_pCtlAngle->IsValueModified() || m_pMtrPosX->IsValueModified() || 
-        const double fUIScale(double(pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale()));
+        const double 
         const double fTmpX((GetCoreValue(*m_pMtrPosX, ePoolUnit) + 
maAnchor.getX()) * fUIScale);
         const double fTmpY((GetCoreValue(*m_pMtrPosY, ePoolUnit) + 
maAnchor.getY()) * fUIScale);
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ bool SvxAngleTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet* rSet)
 void SvxAngleTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet* rAttrs)
-    const double fUIScale(double(pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale()));
+    const double 
     const SfxPoolItem* pItem = GetItem( *rAttrs, SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_ROT_X );
@@ -475,9 +475,9 @@ bool SvxSlantTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet* rAttrs)
     if( m_pMtrRadius->IsValueChangedFromSaved() )
-        Fraction aUIScale = pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
+        boost::rational<long> aUIScale = pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
         long nTmp = GetCoreValue( *m_pMtrRadius, ePoolUnit );
-        nTmp = Fraction( nTmp ) * aUIScale;
+        nTmp = boost::rational_cast<long>(nTmp * aUIScale);
         rAttrs->Put( makeSdrEckenradiusItem( nTmp ) );
         bModified = true;
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ void SvxSlantTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet* rAttrs)
         if( pItem )
-            const double fUIScale(double(pView->GetModel()->GetUIScale()));
+            const double 
             const double fTmp((double)((const 
SdrMetricItem*)pItem)->GetValue() / fUIScale);
             SetMetricValue(*m_pMtrRadius, basegfx::fround(fTmp), ePoolUnit);
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ void SvxPositionSizeTabPage::Construct()
     // take scale into account
-    const Fraction aUIScale(mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale());
+    const boost::rational<long> aUIScale = mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
     lcl_ScaleRect( maWorkRange, aUIScale );
     lcl_ScaleRect( maRange, aUIScale );
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ bool SvxPositionSizeTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet* 
rOutAttrs )
         if ( m_pMtrPosX->IsValueModified() || m_pMtrPosY->IsValueModified() )
-            const double fUIScale(double(mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale()));
+            const double 
             double fX((GetCoreValue( *m_pMtrPosX, mePoolUnit ) + 
maAnchor.getX()) * fUIScale);
             double fY((GetCoreValue( *m_pMtrPosY, mePoolUnit ) + 
maAnchor.getY()) * fUIScale);
@@ -828,19 +828,19 @@ bool SvxPositionSizeTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet* 
rOutAttrs )
     if ( m_pMtrWidth->IsValueModified() || m_pMtrHeight->IsValueModified() )
-        Fraction aUIScale = mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
+        boost::rational<long> aUIScale = mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale();
         // get Width
         double nWidth = static_cast<double>(m_pMtrWidth->GetValue( meDlgUnit 
         nWidth = MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( nWidth, 
m_pMtrWidth->GetBaseValue(), m_pMtrWidth->GetDecimalDigits(), meDlgUnit, 
-        long lWidth = long(nWidth * (double)aUIScale);
+        long lWidth = long(nWidth * boost::rational_cast<double>(aUIScale));
         lWidth = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( lWidth, MAP_100TH_MM, 
(MapUnit)mePoolUnit );
         lWidth = static_cast<long>(m_pMtrWidth->Denormalize( lWidth ));
         // get Height
         double nHeight = static_cast<double>(m_pMtrHeight->GetValue( meDlgUnit 
         nHeight = MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( nHeight, 
m_pMtrHeight->GetBaseValue(), m_pMtrHeight->GetDecimalDigits(), meDlgUnit, 
-        long lHeight = long(nHeight * (double)aUIScale);
+        long lHeight = long(nHeight * boost::rational_cast<double>(aUIScale));
         lHeight = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( lHeight, MAP_100TH_MM, 
(MapUnit)mePoolUnit );
         lHeight = static_cast<long>(m_pMtrHeight->Denormalize( lHeight ));
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ bool SvxPositionSizeTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet* 
rOutAttrs )
 void SvxPositionSizeTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet*  )
     const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
-    const double fUIScale(double(mpView->GetModel()->GetUIScale()));
+    const double 
     if ( !mbPageDisabled )
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/inc/JoinController.hxx 
index d4faccf..c527a3e 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/inc/JoinController.hxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/inc/JoinController.hxx
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace dbaui
         TTableConnectionData m_vTableConnectionData;
         TTableWindowData     m_vTableData;
-        Fraction                                m_aZoom;
+        boost::rational<long>                   m_aZoom;
         ::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo             m_aExceptionInfo;
         OAddTableDlg*                               m_pAddTableDialog;
diff --git a/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx b/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
index 60c53fb..465cd5e 100644
--- a/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ void doc_paintTile (LibreOfficeKitDocument* pThis,
     VirtualDevice aDevice(0, (sal_uInt16)32);
     boost::shared_array< sal_uInt8 > aBuffer( pBuffer, NoDelete< sal_uInt8 >() 
-                Size(nCanvasWidth, nCanvasHeight), Fraction(1.0), Point(),
+                Size(nCanvasWidth, nCanvasHeight), rational_FromDouble(1.0), 
                 aBuffer, true );
     pDoc->paintTile(aDevice, nCanvasWidth, nCanvasHeight,
diff --git a/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/metafileprimitive2d.cxx 
index b546ede..f51099b 100644
--- a/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/metafileprimitive2d.cxx
+++ b/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/metafileprimitive2d.cxx
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ namespace
     basegfx::B2DHomMatrix getTransformFromMapMode(const MapMode& rMapMode)
         basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMapping;
-        const Fraction aNoScale(1, 1);
+        const boost::rational<long> aNoScale(1, 1);
         const Point& rOrigin(rMapMode.GetOrigin());
         if(0 != rOrigin.X() || 0 != rOrigin.Y())
@@ -584,8 +584,8 @@ namespace
         if(rMapMode.GetScaleX() != aNoScale || rMapMode.GetScaleY() != 
-                double(rMapMode.GetScaleX()),
-                double(rMapMode.GetScaleY()));
+                boost::rational_cast<double>(rMapMode.GetScaleX()),
+                boost::rational_cast<double>(rMapMode.GetScaleY()));
         return aMapping;
diff --git a/editeng/source/editeng/impedit3.cxx 
index 06180a1..1f5cd00 100644
--- a/editeng/source/editeng/impedit3.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/editeng/impedit3.cxx
@@ -494,14 +494,14 @@ bool ImpEditEngine::ImpCheckRefMapMode()
     if ( aStatus.DoFormat100() )
         MapMode aMapMode( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode() );
-        if ( aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator() != 
aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator() )
+        if ( aMapMode.GetScaleX().numerator() != 
aMapMode.GetScaleX().denominator() )
             bChange = true;
-        else if ( aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator() != 
aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator() )
+        else if ( aMapMode.GetScaleY().numerator() != 
aMapMode.GetScaleY().denominator() )
             bChange = true;
         if ( bChange )
-            Fraction Scale1( 1, 1 );
+            boost::rational<long> Scale1( 1, 1 );
             aMapMode.SetScaleX( Scale1 );
             aMapMode.SetScaleY( Scale1 );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/eos2met/eos2met.cxx 
index d1a1459..33f5f51 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/eos2met/eos2met.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/eos2met/eos2met.cxx
@@ -2169,50 +2169,50 @@ void METWriter::WriteOrders( const GDIMetaFile* pMTF )
                     if ( pA->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_RELATIVE )
                         MapMode aMM = pA->GetMapMode();
-                        Fraction aScaleX = aMM.GetScaleX();
-                        Fraction aScaleY = aMM.GetScaleY();
+                        boost::rational<long> aScaleX = aMM.GetScaleX();
+                        boost::rational<long> aScaleY = aMM.GetScaleY();
                         Point aOrigin = aPictureMapMode.GetOrigin();
                         BigInt aX( aOrigin.X() );
-                        aX *= BigInt( aScaleX.GetDenominator() );
+                        aX *= BigInt( aScaleX.denominator() );
                         if( aOrigin.X() >= 0 )
-                            if( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                            if( aScaleX.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.numerator()/2 );
-                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
+                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.numerator()+1)/2 );
-                            if( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
+                            if( aScaleX.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.numerator()-1)/2 );
-                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.numerator()/2 );
-                        aX /= BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator() );
+                        aX /= BigInt( aScaleX.numerator() );
                         aOrigin.X() = (long) aX + aMM.GetOrigin().X();
                         BigInt aY( aOrigin.Y() );
-                        aY *= BigInt( aScaleY.GetDenominator() );
+                        aY *= BigInt( aScaleY.denominator() );
                         if( aOrigin.Y() >= 0 )
-                            if( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                            if( aScaleY.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.numerator()/2 );
-                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
+                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.numerator()+1)/2 );
-                            if( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
+                            if( aScaleY.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.numerator()-1)/2 );
-                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.numerator()/2 );
-                        aY /= BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator() );
+                        aY /= BigInt( aScaleY.numerator() );
                         aOrigin.Y() = (long)aY + aMM.GetOrigin().Y();
                         aPictureMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/epict/epict.cxx 
index 1aad8c1e22..b0f61f3 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/epict/epict.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/epict/epict.cxx
@@ -1962,48 +1962,48 @@ void PictWriter::WriteOpcodes( const GDIMetaFile & rMTF 
                     if( pA->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_RELATIVE )
                         MapMode aMM = pA->GetMapMode();
-                        Fraction aScaleX = aMM.GetScaleX();
-                        Fraction aScaleY = aMM.GetScaleY();
+                        boost::rational<long> aScaleX = aMM.GetScaleX();
+                        boost::rational<long> aScaleY = aMM.GetScaleY();
                         Point aOrigin = aSrcMapMode.GetOrigin();
                         BigInt aX( aOrigin.X() );
-                        aX *= BigInt( aScaleX.GetDenominator() );
+                        aX *= BigInt( aScaleX.denominator() );
                         if( aOrigin.X() >= 0 )
-                            if( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                            if( aScaleX.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.numerator()/2 );
-                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
+                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.numerator()+1)/2 );
-                            if( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
+                            if( aScaleX.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.numerator()-1)/2 );
-                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.numerator()/2 );
-                        aX /= BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator() );
+                        aX /= BigInt( aScaleX.numerator() );
                         aOrigin.X() = (long)aX + aMM.GetOrigin().X();
                         BigInt aY( aOrigin.Y() );
-                        aY *= BigInt( aScaleY.GetDenominator() );
+                        aY *= BigInt( aScaleY.denominator() );
                         if( aOrigin.Y() >= 0 )
-                            if( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                            if( aScaleY.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.numerator()/2 );
-                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
+                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.numerator()+1)/2 );
-                            if( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
-                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
+                            if( aScaleY.numerator() >= 0 )
+                                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.numerator()-1)/2 );
-                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
+                                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.numerator()/2 );
-                        aY /= BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator() );
+                        aY /= BigInt( aScaleY.numerator() );
                         aOrigin.Y() = (long)aY + aMM.GetOrigin().Y();
                         aSrcMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
@@ -2183,7 +2183,7 @@ bool PictWriter::WritePict(const GDIMetaFile & rMTF, 
SvStream & rTargetStream, F
     PictWriterAttrStackMember*  pAt;
     MapMode                     aMap72( MAP_INCH );
-    Fraction                    aDPIFrac( 1, 72 );
+    boost::rational<long>       aDPIFrac( 1, 72 );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/eps/eps.cxx 
index 19465a6..c9b1314 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/eps/eps.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/eps/eps.cxx
@@ -2376,8 +2376,8 @@ void PSWriter::ImplGetMapMode( const MapMode& rMapMode )
     ImplWriteLine( "tm setmatrix" );
     double fMul = ImplGetScaling( rMapMode );
-    double fScaleX = (double)rMapMode.GetScaleX() * fMul;
-    double fScaleY = (double)rMapMode.GetScaleY() * fMul;
+    double fScaleX = boost::rational_cast<double>(rMapMode.GetScaleX()) * fMul;
+    double fScaleY = boost::rational_cast<double>(rMapMode.GetScaleY()) * fMul;
     ImplTranslate( rMapMode.GetOrigin().X() * fScaleX, 
rMapMode.GetOrigin().Y() * fScaleY );
     ImplScale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ios2met/ios2met.cxx 
index cc2d6bb..f3b61dc 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ios2met/ios2met.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/ios2met/ios2met.cxx
@@ -2125,9 +2125,9 @@ void OS2METReader::ReadDsc(sal_uInt16 nDscID, sal_uInt16 
             if (nUnitType==0x00 && xr>0 && yr>0)
             else if (nUnitType==0x01 && xr>0 && yr>0)
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipict/ipict.cxx 
index 41ba717..b0d07d8 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipict/ipict.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipict/ipict.cxx
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ private:
     Size          aActOvalSize;
     vcl::Font     aActFont;
-    Fraction        aHRes;
-    Fraction        aVRes;
+    boost::rational<long>        aHRes;
+    boost::rational<long>        aVRes;
     bool Callback(sal_uInt16 nPercent);
@@ -1841,7 +1841,7 @@ void PictReader::ReadPict( SvStream & rStreamPict, 
GDIMetaFile & rGDIMetaFile )
-    aHRes = aVRes = Fraction( 1, 1 );
+    aHRes = aVRes = boost::rational<long>( 1, 1 );
     pVirDev = new VirtualDevice();
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipsd/ipsd.cxx 
index c95991d..dbba04c 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipsd/ipsd.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/ipsd/ipsd.cxx
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ bool PSDReader::ReadPSD(Graphic & rGraphic )
         if ( mnXResFixed && mnYResFixed )
             Point       aEmptyPoint;
-            Fraction    aFractX( 1, mnXResFixed >> 16 );
-            Fraction    aFractY( 1, mnYResFixed >> 16 );
+            boost::rational<long>    aFractX( 1, mnXResFixed >> 16 );
+            boost::rational<long>    aFractY( 1, mnYResFixed >> 16 );
             MapMode     aMapMode( MAP_INCH, aEmptyPoint, aFractX, aFractY );
             Size        aPrefSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aBitmapSize, 
aMapMode, MAP_100TH_MM );
             rGraphic.SetPrefSize( aPrefSize );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/itiff/itiff.cxx 
index 4606271..82575a5 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/itiff/itiff.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/itiff/itiff.cxx
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ void TIFFReader::MakePalCol( void )
-        MapMode aMapMode(MAP_INCH,Point(0,0),Fraction(1,nRX),Fraction(1,nRY));
+        MapMode 
diff --git a/filter/source/msfilter/eschesdo.cxx 
index 2e92270..0c2b757 100644
--- a/filter/source/msfilter/eschesdo.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/msfilter/eschesdo.cxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ ImplEESdrWriter::ImplEESdrWriter( EscherEx& rEx )
     : mpEscherEx(&rEx)
     , maMapModeSrc(MAP_100TH_MM)
     // PowerPoint: 576 dpi, WinWord: 1440 dpi, Excel: 1440 dpi
-    , maMapModeDest( MAP_INCH, Point(), Fraction( 1, EES_MAP_FRACTION ), 
Fraction( 1, EES_MAP_FRACTION ) )
+    , maMapModeDest( MAP_INCH, Point(), boost::rational<long>( 1, 
EES_MAP_FRACTION ), boost::rational<long>( 1, EES_MAP_FRACTION ) )
     , mpPicStrm(NULL)
     , mpHostAppData(NULL)
     , mnPagesWritten(0)
diff --git a/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx 
index 1fe026c..26db18f 100644
--- a/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ void Impl_OlePres::Write( SvStream & rStm )
         // Always to 1/100 mm, until Mtf-Solution found
         // Assumption (no scaling, no origin translation)
-        DBG_ASSERT( pMtf->GetPrefMapMode().GetScaleX() == Fraction( 1, 1 ),
+        DBG_ASSERT( pMtf->GetPrefMapMode().GetScaleX() == 
boost::rational<long>( 1, 1 ),
                     "X-Skalierung im Mtf" );
-        DBG_ASSERT( pMtf->GetPrefMapMode().GetScaleY() == Fraction( 1, 1 ),
+        DBG_ASSERT( pMtf->GetPrefMapMode().GetScaleY() == 
boost::rational<long>( 1, 1 ),
                     "Y-Skalierung im Mtf" );
         DBG_ASSERT( pMtf->GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin() == Point(),
                     "Origin-Verschiebung im Mtf" );
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ void Impl_OlePres::Write( SvStream & rStm )
             Size aS( aPrefS );
             aS = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aS, nMU, MAP_100TH_MM );
-            pMtf->Scale( Fraction( aS.Width(), aPrefS.Width() ),
-                         Fraction( aS.Height(), aPrefS.Height() ) );
+            pMtf->Scale( boost::rational<long>( aS.Width(), aPrefS.Width() ),
+                         boost::rational<long>( aS.Height(), aPrefS.Height() ) 
             pMtf->SetPrefMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );
             pMtf->SetPrefSize( aS );
@@ -3088,11 +3088,11 @@ void SvxMSDffManager::ScaleEmu( sal_Int32& rVal ) const
 sal_uInt32 SvxMSDffManager::ScalePt( sal_uInt32 nVal ) const
     MapUnit eMap = pSdrModel->GetScaleUnit();
-    Fraction aFact( GetMapFactor( MAP_POINT, eMap ).X() );
-    long aMul = aFact.GetNumerator();
-    long aDiv = aFact.GetDenominator() * 65536;
-    aFact = Fraction( aMul, aDiv ); // try again to shorten it
-    return BigMulDiv( nVal, aFact.GetNumerator(), aFact.GetDenominator() );
+    boost::rational<long> aFact( GetMapFactor( MAP_POINT, eMap ).X() );
+    long aMul = aFact.numerator();
+    long aDiv = aFact.denominator() * 65536;
+    aFact = boost::rational<long>( aMul, aDiv ); // try again to shorten it
+    return BigMulDiv( nVal, aFact.numerator(), aFact.denominator() );
 sal_Int32 SvxMSDffManager::ScalePoint( sal_Int32 nVal ) const
@@ -3108,31 +3108,31 @@ void SvxMSDffManager::SetModel(SdrModel* pModel, long 
         // PPT works in units of 576DPI
         // WW on the other side uses twips, i.e. 1440DPI.
         MapUnit eMap = pSdrModel->GetScaleUnit();
-        Fraction aFact( GetMapFactor(MAP_INCH, eMap).X() );
-        long nMul=aFact.GetNumerator();
-        long nDiv=aFact.GetDenominator()*nApplicationScale;
-        aFact=Fraction(nMul,nDiv); // try again to shorten it
+        boost::rational<long> aFact = GetMapFactor(MAP_INCH, eMap).X();
+        long nMul=aFact.numerator();
+        long nDiv=aFact.denominator()*nApplicationScale;
+        aFact=boost::rational<long>(nMul,nDiv); // try again to shorten it
         // For 100TH_MM -> 2540/576=635/144
         // For Twip     -> 1440/576=5/2
-        nMapMul  = aFact.GetNumerator();
-        nMapDiv  = aFact.GetDenominator();
+        nMapMul  = aFact.numerator();
+        nMapDiv  = aFact.denominator();
         bNeedMap = nMapMul!=nMapDiv;
         // MS-DFF-Properties are mostly given in EMU (English Metric Units)
         // 1mm=36000emu, 1twip=635emu
-        nMul=aFact.GetNumerator();
-        nDiv=aFact.GetDenominator()*360;
-        aFact=Fraction(nMul,nDiv); // try again to shorten it
+        nMul=aFact.numerator();
+        nDiv=aFact.denominator()*360;
+        aFact=boost::rational<long>(nMul,nDiv); // try again to shorten it
         // For 100TH_MM ->                            1/360
         // For Twip     -> 14,40/(25,4*360)=144/91440=1/635
-        nEmuMul=aFact.GetNumerator();
-        nEmuDiv=aFact.GetDenominator();
+        nEmuMul=aFact.numerator();
+        nEmuDiv=aFact.denominator();
         // And something for typographic Points
-        nPntMul=aFact.GetNumerator();
-        nPntDiv=aFact.GetDenominator();
+        nPntMul=aFact.numerator();
+        nPntDiv=aFact.denominator();
diff --git a/filter/source/msfilter/svdfppt.cxx 
index e4c54f0..b6300bb 100644
--- a/filter/source/msfilter/svdfppt.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/msfilter/svdfppt.cxx
@@ -2470,9 +2470,9 @@ Size SdrPowerPointImport::GetPageSize() const
         long nInchMul = 1, nInchDiv = 1;
         if ( bInch )
         {   // temporarily convert size (for rounding it) from inch to metric 
-            Fraction aFact(GetMapFactor(eMap,MAP_100TH_MM).X());
-            nInchMul = aFact.GetNumerator();
-            nInchDiv = aFact.GetDenominator();
+            boost::rational<long> aFact = GetMapFactor(eMap,MAP_100TH_MM).X();
+            nInchMul = aFact.numerator();
+            nInchDiv = aFact.denominator();
             aRet.Width() = BigMulDiv( aRet.Width(), nInchMul, nInchDiv );
             aRet.Height() = BigMulDiv( aRet.Height(), nInchMul, nInchDiv );
diff --git a/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx b/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
index 8aceae6..5d19fd7 100644
--- a/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include "pdf.hrc"
 #include "tools/urlobj.hxx"
-#include "tools/fract.hxx"
 #include "tools/poly.hxx"
 #include "vcl/mapmod.hxx"
 #include "vcl/virdev.hxx"
diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
index 6d2efba..6dff611 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
@@ -3583,14 +3583,14 @@ void SVGActionWriter::WriteMetaFile( const Point& 
     MapMode     aMapMode( rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() );
     Size        aPrefSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() );
-    Fraction    aFractionX( aMapMode.GetScaleX() );
-    Fraction    aFractionY( aMapMode.GetScaleY() );
+    boost::rational<long>    aFractionX = aMapMode.GetScaleX();
+    boost::rational<long>    aFractionY = aMapMode.GetScaleY();
     Size aSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rSize100thmm, MAP_100TH_MM, 
aMapMode ) );
-    aMapMode.SetScaleX( aFractionX *= Fraction( aSize.Width(), 
aPrefSize.Width() ) );
-    aMapMode.SetScaleY( aFractionY *= Fraction( aSize.Height(), 
aPrefSize.Height() ) );
+    aMapMode.SetScaleX( aFractionX *= boost::rational<long>( aSize.Width(), 
aPrefSize.Width() ) );
+    aMapMode.SetScaleY( aFractionY *= boost::rational<long>( aSize.Height(), 
aPrefSize.Height() ) );
     Point aOffset( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rPos100thmm, MAP_100TH_MM, 
aMapMode ) );
     aMapMode.SetOrigin( aOffset += aMapMode.GetOrigin() );
diff --git a/forms/source/richtext/richtextimplcontrol.cxx 
index 2bae5a4..55e039c 100644
--- a/forms/source/richtext/richtextimplcontrol.cxx
+++ b/forms/source/richtext/richtextimplcontrol.cxx
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ namespace frm
     void RichTextControlImpl::notifyZoomChanged()
-        const Fraction& rZoom = m_pAntiImpl->GetZoom();
+        const boost::rational<long>& rZoom = m_pAntiImpl->GetZoom();
         MapMode aMapMode( m_pAntiImpl->GetMapMode() );
         aMapMode.SetScaleX( rZoom );
diff --git a/include/oox/export/chartexport.hxx 
index 02ee8f1..74f9236 100644
--- a/include/oox/export/chartexport.hxx
+++ b/include/oox/export/chartexport.hxx
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
     sal_Int32           mnXmlNamespace;
     sal_Int32           mnSeriesCount;
-    Fraction            maFraction;
+    boost::rational<long>            maFraction;
     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > 
     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::chart::XDiagram > 
     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > 
diff --git a/include/oox/export/shapes.hxx b/include/oox/export/shapes.hxx
index 995ef35..250729b 100644
--- a/include/oox/export/shapes.hxx
+++ b/include/oox/export/shapes.hxx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ protected:
     sal_Int32           mnXmlNamespace;
-    Fraction            maFraction;
+    boost::rational<long>            maFraction;
     MapMode             maMapModeSrc, maMapModeDest;
     ::com::sun::star::awt::Size MapSize( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Size& ) 
diff --git a/include/sfx2/ipclient.hxx b/include/sfx2/ipclient.hxx
index 10ab174..350c7ac 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/ipclient.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/ipclient.hxx
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class SfxInPlaceClient_Impl;
 class SfxViewShell;
 class SfxObjectShell;
 namespace vcl { class Window; }
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ public:
     bool                SetObjArea( const Rectangle & );
     Rectangle           GetObjArea() const;
     Rectangle           GetScaledObjArea() const;
-    void                SetSizeScale( const Fraction & rScaleWidth, const 
Fraction & rScaleHeight );
-    bool                SetObjAreaAndScale( const Rectangle&, const Fraction&, 
const Fraction& );
-    const Fraction&     GetScaleWidth() const;
-    const Fraction&     GetScaleHeight() const;
+    void                SetSizeScale( const boost::rational<long> & 
rScaleWidth, const boost::rational<long> & rScaleHeight );
+    bool                SetObjAreaAndScale( const Rectangle&, const 
boost::rational<long>&, const boost::rational<long>& );
+    const boost::rational<long>&     GetScaleWidth() const;
+    const boost::rational<long>&     GetScaleHeight() const;
     void                Invalidate();
     static SfxInPlaceClient* GetClient( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& 
xObject );
     sal_Int64           GetAspect() const;
diff --git a/include/sfx2/objsh.hxx b/include/sfx2/objsh.hxx
index d9d4e95..42487bc 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/objsh.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/objsh.hxx
@@ -638,8 +638,8 @@ public:
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE void DoDraw_Impl( OutputDevice* pDev,
                                             const Point & rViewPos,
-                                            const Fraction & rScaleX,
-                                            const Fraction & rScaleY,
+                                            const boost::rational<long>& 
+                                            const boost::rational<long>& 
                                             const JobSetup & rSetup,
                                             sal_uInt16 nAspect );
diff --git a/include/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx b/include/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
index 1d043fc..9acc0e2 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class SfxProgress;
 class SvData;
 class SfxViewShell;
 class SystemWindow;
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class Point;
 class Size;
 class SfxChildWindow;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
     SfxBindings&            GetBindings() { return *pBindings; }
     const SfxBindings&      GetBindings() const  { return *pBindings; }
     vcl::Window&                 GetWindow() const;
-    virtual void            SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX, const 
Fraction &rZoomY );
+    virtual void            SetZoomFactor( const boost::rational<long>& 
rZoomX, const boost::rational<long>& rZoomY );
     SfxProgress*            GetProgress() const;
diff --git a/include/sfx2/viewsh.hxx b/include/sfx2/viewsh.hxx
index 20114cfa..827bdfd 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/viewsh.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/viewsh.hxx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 class SfxBaseController;
 class Size;
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 namespace vcl { class Window; }
 class KeyEvent;
 class WorkWindow;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ protected:
     virtual void                InnerResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const 
Size &rSize );
     virtual void                OuterResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const 
Size &rSize );
-    virtual void                SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX, const 
Fraction &rZoomY );
+    virtual void                SetZoomFactor( const boost::rational<long>& 
rZoomX, const boost::rational<long>& rZoomY );
     virtual void                Move();
diff --git a/include/svtools/imap.hxx b/include/svtools/imap.hxx
index 951251d..37a5133 100644
--- a/include/svtools/imap.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/imap.hxx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 class Point;
 class Rectangle;
 class Size;
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class IMapObject;
 typedef ::std::vector< IMapObject* > IMapObjectList_impl;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public:
     void                SetName( const OUString& rName ) { aName = rName; }
     // skaliert alle Objekte der ImageMap entpr. dem uebergebenen Faktor
-    void                Scale( const Fraction& rFractX, const Fraction& rFracY 
+    void                Scale( const boost::rational<long>& rFractX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rFracY );
     // Im-/Export
     void                Write ( SvStream& rOStm, const OUString& rBaseURL ) 
diff --git a/include/svtools/imapcirc.hxx b/include/svtools/imapcirc.hxx
index 2ce4127..fd6c164 100644
--- a/include/svtools/imapcirc.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/imapcirc.hxx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
 #include <svtools/imapobj.hxx>
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class SVT_DLLPUBLIC IMapCircleObject : public IMapObject
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
     // liefert das BoundRect des Kreis-Objektes in 1/100mm
     virtual Rectangle   GetBoundRect() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    void                Scale( const Fraction& rFractX, const Fraction& rFracY 
+    void                Scale( const boost::rational<long>& rFractX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rFracY );
     using IMapObject::IsEqual;
     bool                IsEqual( const IMapCircleObject& rEqObj );
diff --git a/include/svtools/imappoly.hxx b/include/svtools/imappoly.hxx
index 79ca52a..e01b311 100644
--- a/include/svtools/imappoly.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/imappoly.hxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <svtools/imapobj.hxx>
 #include <tools/poly.hxx>
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class SVT_DLLPUBLIC IMapPolygonObject : public IMapObject
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
     const Rectangle&    GetExtraEllipse() const { return aEllipse; }
     void                SetExtraEllipse( const Rectangle& rEllipse );
-    void                Scale( const Fraction& rFractX, const Fraction& rFracY 
+    void                Scale( const boost::rational<long>& rFractX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rFracY );
     using IMapObject::IsEqual;
     bool                IsEqual( const IMapPolygonObject& rEqObj );
diff --git a/include/svtools/imaprect.hxx b/include/svtools/imaprect.hxx
index 17c9684..6855fb3 100644
--- a/include/svtools/imaprect.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/imaprect.hxx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <svtools/imapobj.hxx>
 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class SVT_DLLPUBLIC IMapRectangleObject : public IMapObject
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public:
     // liefert das BoundRect des Rechteck-Objektes in 1/100mm
     virtual Rectangle   GetBoundRect() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return aRect; }
-    void                Scale( const Fraction& rFractX, const Fraction& rFracY 
+    void                Scale( const boost::rational<long>& rFractX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rFracY );
     using IMapObject::IsEqual;
     bool                IsEqual( const IMapRectangleObject& rEqObj );
diff --git a/include/svtools/ruler.hxx b/include/svtools/ruler.hxx
index 49d4e42..a27a921 100644
--- a/include/svtools/ruler.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/ruler.hxx
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ private:
     RulerType       meDragType;
     MapUnit         meSourceUnit;
     FieldUnit       meUnit;
-    Fraction        maZoom;
+    boost::rational<long>        maZoom;
     bool            mbCalc;
     bool            mbFormat;
     bool            mbDrag;
@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ public:
     void            SetUnit( FieldUnit eNewUnit );
     FieldUnit       GetUnit() const { return meUnit; }
-    void            SetZoom( const Fraction& rNewZoom );
-    Fraction        GetZoom() const { return maZoom; }
+    void            SetZoom( const boost::rational<long>& rNewZoom );
+    boost::rational<long>        GetZoom() const { return maZoom; }
     void            SetSourceUnit( MapUnit eNewUnit ) { meSourceUnit = 
eNewUnit; }
     MapUnit         GetSourceUnit() const { return meSourceUnit; }
diff --git a/include/svx/obj3d.hxx b/include/svx/obj3d.hxx
index ac7e524..c1e3796 100644
--- a/include/svx/obj3d.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/obj3d.hxx
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public:
     virtual void        SetPage(SdrPage* pNewPage) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void        SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void        NbcMove(const Size& rSize) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual SdrObjList* GetSubList() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     // Insert 3D object into the group; transfer to other owner!
diff --git a/include/svx/scene3d.hxx b/include/svx/scene3d.hxx
index 332fa2a..b519126 100644
--- a/include/svx/scene3d.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/scene3d.hxx
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ public:
     virtual void    NbcSetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void    NbcMove(const Size& rSize) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void    NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& rXFact,
-                                                 const Fraction& rYFact) 
+    virtual void    NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
+                                                 const boost::rational<long>& 
     virtual void    RecalcSnapRect() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual E3dScene* GetScene() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/include/svx/sdr/properties/defaultproperties.hxx 
index 97fca16..9e9defe 100644
--- a/include/svx/sdr/properties/defaultproperties.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/sdr/properties/defaultproperties.hxx
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ namespace sdr
             virtual void ForceDefaultAttributes();
             // Scale the included ItemSet.
-            virtual void Scale(const Fraction& rScale) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+            virtual void Scale(const boost::rational<long>& rScale) 
     } // end of namespace properties
 } // end of namespace sdr
diff --git a/include/svx/sdr/properties/properties.hxx 
index 6229e45..2bb32df 100644
--- a/include/svx/sdr/properties/properties.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/sdr/properties/properties.hxx
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class SdrObject;
 class SfxItemSet;
 class SfxPoolItem;
 class SfxStyleSheet;
-class Fraction;
+namespace boost { template<typename T> class rational; }
 class SfxItemPool;
 class SdrModel;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ namespace sdr
             // Scale the local ItemSet as far as it contains metric items. 
This needs to be
             // overloaded to do it for hierarchical objects like e.g. groups.
-            virtual void Scale(const Fraction& rScale);
+            virtual void Scale(const boost::rational<long>& rScale);
             // Move local items to a new ItemPool. This needs to be
             // overloaded to do it for hierarchical objects like e.g. groups.
diff --git a/include/svx/svddrag.hxx b/include/svx/svddrag.hxx
index fd43db2..1a11e0c 100644
--- a/include/svx/svddrag.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svddrag.hxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
 #include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
 // Status information for specialized object dragging. In order for the model
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ public:
     bool CheckMinMoved(const Point& rPnt);
     long  GetDX() const                     { return 
GetNow().X()-GetPrev().X(); }
     long  GetDY() const                     { return 
GetNow().Y()-GetPrev().Y(); }
-    Fraction GetXFact() const;
-    Fraction GetYFact() const;
+    boost::rational<long> GetXFact() const;
+    boost::rational<long> GetYFact() const;
     SdrDragMethod* GetDragMethod() const               { return pDragMethod; }
     void           SetDragMethod(SdrDragMethod* pMth)  { pDragMethod=pMth; }
diff --git a/include/svx/svddrgmt.hxx b/include/svx/svddrgmt.hxx
index 6e2fa4a..ad37eee 100644
--- a/include/svx/svddrgmt.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svddrgmt.hxx
@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ public:
 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrDragResize : public SdrDragMethod
-    Fraction                    aXFact;
-    Fraction                    aYFact;
+    boost::rational<long>       aXFact;
+    boost::rational<long>       aYFact;
diff --git a/include/svx/svdedtv.hxx b/include/svx/svdedtv.hxx
index 1782820..12b27b8 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdedtv.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdedtv.hxx
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ public:
     // waagerechte Linie hat z.B. immer eine Hoehe von 0.
     void SetMarkedObjRect(const Rectangle& rRect, bool bCopy=false);
     void MoveMarkedObj(const Size& rSiz, bool bCopy=false);
-    void ResizeMarkedObj(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bCopy=false);
-    void ResizeMultMarkedObj(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, const bool bCopy, const bool bWdh, const bool bHgt);
+    void ResizeMarkedObj(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bCopy=false);
+    void ResizeMultMarkedObj(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact, const bool bCopy, const bool bWdh, 
const bool bHgt);
     long GetMarkedObjRotate() const;
     void RotateMarkedObj(const Point& rRef, long nWink, bool bCopy=false);
     void MirrorMarkedObj(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, bool 
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
     void CopyMarkedObj();
     void SetAllMarkedRect(const Rectangle& rRect, bool bCopy=false) { 
SetMarkedObjRect(rRect,bCopy); }
     void MoveAllMarked(const Size& rSiz, bool bCopy=false) { MoveMarkedObj   
(rSiz,bCopy); }
-    void ResizeAllMarked(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bCopy=false) { ResizeMarkedObj (rRef,xFact,yFact,bCopy); }
+    void ResizeAllMarked(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bCopy=false) { ResizeMarkedObj 
(rRef,xFact,yFact,bCopy); }
     long GetAllMarkedRotate() const { return GetMarkedObjRotate(); }
     void RotateAllMarked(const Point& rRef, long nWink, bool bCopy=false) { 
RotateMarkedObj(rRef,nWink,bCopy); }
     void MirrorAllMarked(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, bool 
bCopy=false) { MirrorMarkedObj(rRef1,rRef2,bCopy); }
diff --git a/include/svx/svdetc.hxx b/include/svx/svdetc.hxx
index e524364..2ec177c 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdetc.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdetc.hxx
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ friend class SdrAttrObj;
     Color      aFontColor;
     sal_uIntPtr      nFontHeight;
     MapUnit    eMapUnit;
-    Fraction   aMapFraction;
+    boost::rational<long>   aMapFraction;
     static SdrEngineDefaults& GetDefaults();
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ public:
     static void       SetMapUnit(MapUnit eMap)             { 
GetDefaults().eMapUnit=eMap; }
     static MapUnit    GetMapUnit()                         { return 
GetDefaults().eMapUnit; }
     // Default MapFraction ist 1/1.
-    static void       SetMapFraction(const Fraction& rMap) { 
GetDefaults().aMapFraction=rMap; }
-    static Fraction   GetMapFraction()                     { return 
GetDefaults().aMapFraction; }
+    static void       SetMapFraction(const boost::rational<long>& rMap) { 
GetDefaults().aMapFraction=rMap; }
+    static boost::rational<long>   GetMapFraction()                     { 
return GetDefaults().aMapFraction; }
     // Einen Outliner mit den engineglobalen
     // Defaulteinstellungen auf dem Heap erzeugen.
diff --git a/include/svx/svdglev.hxx b/include/svx/svdglev.hxx
index 8a9e420..b1576bd 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdglev.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdglev.hxx
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
     void DeleteMarkedGluePoints();
     void MoveMarkedGluePoints  (const Size& rSiz, bool bCopy=false);
-    void ResizeMarkedGluePoints(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, 
const Fraction& yFact, bool bCopy=false);
+    void ResizeMarkedGluePoints(const Point& rRef, const 
boost::rational<long>& xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool 
     void RotateMarkedGluePoints(const Point& rRef, long nWink, bool 
     void MirrorMarkedGluePoints(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, bool 
     void MirrorMarkedGluePointsHorizontal(bool bCopy=false);
diff --git a/include/svx/svdmodel.hxx b/include/svx/svdmodel.hxx
index 0d9b03b..850185e 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdmodel.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdmodel.hxx
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ protected:
     Link           aIOProgressLink;
     OUString       aTablePath;
     Size           aMaxObjSize; // e.g. for auto-growing text
-    Fraction       aObjUnit;   // description of the coordinate units for 
ClipBoard, Drag&Drop, ...
+    boost::rational<long>       aObjUnit;   // description of the coordinate 
units for ClipBoard, Drag&Drop, ...
     MapUnit        eObjUnit;   // see above
     FieldUnit      eUIUnit;      // unit, scale (e.g. 1/1000) for the UI 
(status bar) is set by ImpSetUIUnit()
-    Fraction       aUIScale;     // see above
+    boost::rational<long>       aUIScale;     // see above
     OUString       aUIUnitStr;   // see above
-    Fraction       aUIUnitFact;  // see above
+    boost::rational<long>       aUIUnitFact;  // see above
     int            nUIUnitKomma; // see above
     SdrLayerAdmin*  pLayerAdmin;
@@ -374,10 +374,10 @@ public:
     // with the correct sizes.
     MapUnit          GetScaleUnit() const                       { return 
eObjUnit; }
     void             SetScaleUnit(MapUnit eMap);
-    const Fraction&  GetScaleFraction() const                   { return 
aObjUnit; }
-    void             SetScaleFraction(const Fraction& rFrac);
+    const boost::rational<long>&  GetScaleFraction() const      { return 
aObjUnit; }
+    void             SetScaleFraction(const boost::rational<long>& rFrac);
     // Setting both simultaneously performs a little better
-    void             SetScaleUnit(MapUnit eMap, const Fraction& rFrac);
+    void             SetScaleUnit(MapUnit eMap, const boost::rational<long>& 
     // maximal size e.g. for auto growing texts
     const Size&      GetMaxObjSize() const                      { return 
aMaxObjSize; }
@@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ public:
     void             SetUIUnit(FieldUnit eUnit);
     FieldUnit        GetUIUnit() const                          { return 
eUIUnit; }
     // The scale of the drawing. Default 1/1.
-    void             SetUIScale(const Fraction& rScale);
-    const Fraction&  GetUIScale() const                         { return 
aUIScale; }
+    void             SetUIScale(const boost::rational<long>& rScale);
+    const boost::rational<long>&  GetUIScale() const            { return 
aUIScale; }
     // Setting both simultaneously performs a little better
-    void             SetUIUnit(FieldUnit eUnit, const Fraction& rScale);
+    void             SetUIUnit(FieldUnit eUnit, const boost::rational<long>& 
-    const Fraction&  GetUIUnitFact() const                      { return 
aUIUnitFact; }
+    const boost::rational<long>&  GetUIUnitFact() const         { return 
aUIUnitFact; }
     const OUString&  GetUIUnitStr() const                       { return 
aUIUnitStr; }
     int              GetUIUnitKomma() const                     { return 
nUIUnitKomma; }
     bool             IsUIOnlyKomma() const                      { return 
bUIOnlyKomma; }
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ public:
     static void      TakeUnitStr(FieldUnit eUnit, OUString& rStr);
     void             TakeMetricStr(long nVal, OUString& rStr, bool 
bNoUnitChars = false, sal_Int32 nNumDigits = -1) const;
     void             TakeWinkStr(long nWink, OUString& rStr, bool bNoDegChar = 
false) const;
-    void             TakePercentStr(const Fraction& rVal, OUString& rStr, bool 
bNoPercentChar = false) const;
+    void             TakePercentStr(const boost::rational<long>& rVal, 
OUString& rStr, bool bNoPercentChar = false) const;
     // RecalcPageNums is ordinarily only called by the Page.
     bool         IsPagNumsDirty() const                     { return 
bPagNumsDirty; };
diff --git a/include/svx/svdoashp.hxx b/include/svx/svdoashp.hxx
index 169dd13..bca9283 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdoashp.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdoashp.hxx
@@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ public:
     virtual const Rectangle& GetLogicRect() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Move(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& xFact, 
const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Shear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool bVShear) 
     virtual void SetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void SetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdobj.hxx b/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
index 81b176a..f1dc3a3 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
@@ -672,13 +672,13 @@ public:
     // Objekte sollten i.d.R. nur die Nbc-Methoden ueberladen.
     // Nbc bedeutet: 'NoBroadcast'.
     virtual void NbcMove  (const Size& rSiz);
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact);
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact);
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2);
     virtual void NbcShear (const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
     virtual void Move  (const Size& rSiz);
-    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true);
+    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& xFact, 
const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true);
     virtual void Rotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs);
     virtual void Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2);
     virtual void Shear (const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdocapt.hxx b/include/svx/svdocapt.hxx
index e7e3728..a10b0f7 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdocapt.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdocapt.hxx
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetRelativePos(const Point& rPnt) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual Point GetRelativePos() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/include/svx/svdocirc.hxx b/include/svx/svdocirc.hxx
index 40386fd..036a4be 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdocirc.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdocirc.hxx
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public:
     virtual basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon TakeCreatePoly(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) 
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& aSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear (const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
     virtual SdrObject* DoConvertToPolyObj(bool bBezier, bool bAddText) const 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdoedge.hxx b/include/svx/svdoedge.hxx
index 438c5e7..8161ca5 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdoedge.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdoedge.hxx
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public:
     virtual void NbcSetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& aSize) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRefPnt, const Fraction& aXFact, const 
Fraction& aYFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRefPnt, const boost::rational<long>& 
aXFact, const boost::rational<long>& aYFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     // #i54102# added rotate, mirrorn and shear support
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdograf.hxx b/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
index e600609..3179369 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public:
     virtual sal_uInt32 GetHdlCount() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual SdrHdl*         GetHdl(sal_uInt32 nHdlNum) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void            NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& 
xFact, const Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void            NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const 
boost::rational<long>& xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void            NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double 
sn, double cs) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void            NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void            NbcShear (const Point& rRef, long nWink, double 
tn, bool bVShear) SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/include/svx/svdogrp.hxx b/include/svx/svdogrp.hxx
index 4a89e8f..4dc70df 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdogrp.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdogrp.hxx
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public:
     virtual long GetShearAngle(bool bVertical = false) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Move(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& xFact, 
const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Rotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs) 
     virtual void Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Shear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool bVShear) 
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
     virtual void SetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdomeas.hxx b/include/svx/svdomeas.hxx
index 5cea5fe..f0cb6a7 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdomeas.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdomeas.hxx
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public:
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdoole2.hxx b/include/svx/svdoole2.hxx
index f14646b..a27a35e 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdoole2.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdoole2.hxx
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public:
     SdrOle2Obj& operator=(const SdrOle2Obj& rObj);
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSize) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void SetGeoData(const SdrObjGeoData& rGeo) SAL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public:
                           const OUString& aMediaType );
     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > 
GetParentXModel()  const;
-    bool CalculateNewScaling( Fraction& aScaleWidth, Fraction& aScaleHeight, 
Size& aObjAreaSize );
+    bool CalculateNewScaling( boost::rational<long>& aScaleWidth, 
boost::rational<long>& aScaleHeight, Size& aObjAreaSize );
     bool AddOwnLightClient();
     // handy to get the empty replacement graphic without accessing all the 
old stuff
diff --git a/include/svx/svdopath.hxx b/include/svx/svdopath.hxx
index b9cb18f..f3e4a46 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdopath.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdopath.hxx
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
     basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon getDragPolyPolygon(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& aSize) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRefPnt, const Fraction& aXFact, const 
Fraction& aYFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRefPnt, const boost::rational<long>& 
aXFact, const boost::rational<long>& aYFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRefPnt, long nAngle, double fSin, 
double fCos) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRefPnt1, const Point& rRefPnt2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRefPnt, long nAngle, double fTan, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdorect.hxx b/include/svx/svdorect.hxx
index afd1d57..db40274 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdorect.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdorect.hxx
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public:
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdotable.hxx b/include/svx/svdotable.hxx
index 2594a35..8b461b6 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdotable.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdotable.hxx
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public:
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool BegTextEdit(SdrOutliner& rOutl) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void EndTextEdit(SdrOutliner& rOutl) SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/include/svx/svdotext.hxx b/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
index a2b7b1f..94a032c 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ private:
                                        Rectangle&       rTextRect,
                                        Rectangle&       rAnchorRect,
                                        Rectangle&       rPaintRect,
-                                       Fraction&        aFitXKorreg ) const;
+                                       boost::rational<long>&        
aFitXKorreg ) const;
     void ImpAutoFitText( SdrOutliner& rOutliner ) const;
     static void ImpAutoFitText( SdrOutliner& rOutliner, const Size& 
rShapeSize, bool bIsVerticalWriting );
     SVX_DLLPRIVATE SdrObject* ImpConvertContainedTextToSdrPathObjs(bool 
bToPoly) const;
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ protected:
     SdrObject* ImpConvertMakeObj(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, 
bool bClosed, bool bBezier, bool bNoSetAttr = false) const;
     SdrObject* ImpConvertAddText(SdrObject* pObj, bool bBezier) const;
     void ImpSetTextStyleSheetListeners();
-    void ImpSetCharStretching(SdrOutliner& rOutliner, const Size& rTextSize, 
const Size& rShapeSize, Fraction& rFitXKorreg) const;
+    void ImpSetCharStretching(SdrOutliner& rOutliner, const Size& rTextSize, 
const Size& rShapeSize, boost::rational<long>& rFitXKorreg) const;
     void ImpJustifyRect(Rectangle& rRect) const;
     void ImpCheckShear();
     Rectangle ImpDragCalcRect(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ public:
     virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdouno.hxx b/include/svx/svdouno.hxx
index 0a796da..f22cb57 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdouno.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdouno.hxx
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
     virtual SdrUnoObj* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     SdrUnoObj& operator= (const SdrUnoObj& rObj);
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetLayer(SdrLayerID nLayer) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     // SpecialDrag support
diff --git a/include/svx/svdovirt.hxx b/include/svx/svdovirt.hxx
index 766b807..82c311e 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdovirt.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdovirt.hxx
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ public:
     virtual basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon TakeCreatePoly(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) 
     virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double 
     virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) 
     virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool 
     virtual void Move(const Size& rSiz) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void Resize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& xFact, 
const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool bUnsetRelative = true) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Rotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs) 
     virtual void Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void Shear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, bool bVShear) 
diff --git a/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx b/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
index ef73aa4..b0adf6d 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
     bool IsDeleteMarkedPointsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     void MoveMarkedPoints(const Size& rSiz);
-    void ResizeMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact);
+    void ResizeMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact);
     void RotateMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, long nWink);
     // Hierbei entstehen eventuell beliebig viele neue Objekte:
diff --git a/include/svx/svdsnpv.hxx b/include/svx/svdsnpv.hxx
index 815656a..c963d80 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdsnpv.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdsnpv.hxx
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ protected:
     class ImplHelpLineOverlay*              mpHelpLineOverlay;
     Size                        aMagnSiz;
-    Fraction                    aSnapWdtX;
-    Fraction                    aSnapWdtY;
+    boost::rational<long>       aSnapWdtX;
+    boost::rational<long>       aSnapWdtY;
-    sal_uInt16                      nMagnSizPix;
+    sal_uInt16                  nMagnSizPix;
     long                        nSnapAngle;
     long                        nEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle;
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ public:
     virtual void BrkAction() SAL_OVERRIDE; // f.abg.Klassen Actions z,B, 
Draggen abbrechen.
     virtual void TakeActionRect(Rectangle& rRect) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    void SetSnapGridWidth(const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY) { 
aSnapWdtX=rX; aSnapWdtY=rY; }
-    const Fraction& GetSnapGridWidthX() const { return aSnapWdtX; }
-    const Fraction& GetSnapGridWidthY() const { return aSnapWdtY; }
+    void SetSnapGridWidth(const boost::rational<long>& rX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rY) { aSnapWdtX=rX; aSnapWdtY=rY; }
+    const boost::rational<long>& GetSnapGridWidthX() const { return aSnapWdtX; 
+    const boost::rational<long>& GetSnapGridWidthY() const { return aSnapWdtY; 
     void SetSnapMagnetic(const Size& rSiz) { if (rSiz!=aMagnSiz) { 
aMagnSiz=rSiz; } }
     const Size& GetSnapMagnetic() const { return aMagnSiz; }
diff --git a/include/svx/svdtrans.hxx b/include/svx/svdtrans.hxx
index b287c23..d29ab1f 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdtrans.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdtrans.hxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
 #include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
 #include <tools/poly.hxx>
 #include <vcl/field.hxx>
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ inline void MovePoly(Polygon& rPoly, const Size& S)      { 
 inline void MovePoly(tools::PolyPolygon& rPoly, const Size& S)  { 
rPoly.Move(S.Width(),S.Height()); }
 void MoveXPoly(XPolygon& rPoly, const Size& S);
-SVX_DLLPUBLIC void ResizeRect(Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rRef, const 
Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact, bool bNoJustify = false);
-inline void ResizePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, Fraction xFact, 
Fraction yFact);
-void ResizePoly(Polygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, 
const Fraction& yFact);
-void ResizeXPoly(XPolygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, 
const Fraction& yFact);
+SVX_DLLPUBLIC void ResizeRect(Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rRef, const 
boost::rational<long>& xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact, bool 
bNoJustify = false);
+inline void ResizePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, boost::rational<long> 
xFact, boost::rational<long> yFact);
+void ResizePoly(Polygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, const 
boost::rational<long>& xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact);
+void ResizeXPoly(XPolygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, const 
boost::rational<long>& xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact);
 inline void RotatePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, double sn, double cs);
 SVX_DLLPUBLIC void RotatePoly(Polygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, double sn, 
double cs);
@@ -102,12 +102,10 @@ void CrookStretchPoly(XPolyPolygon& rPoly, const Point& 
rCenter, const Point& rR
 /*  Inline                                                                     
-inline void ResizePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, Fraction xFact, 
Fraction yFact)
+inline void ResizePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, boost::rational<long> 
xFact, boost::rational<long> yFact)
-    if (xFact.GetDenominator()==0) xFact=Fraction(xFact.GetNumerator(),1); // 
DivZero abfangen
-    if (yFact.GetDenominator()==0) yFact=Fraction(yFact.GetNumerator(),1); // 
DivZero abfangen
-    rPnt.X()=rRef.X()+ 
-    rPnt.Y()=rRef.Y()+ 
+    rPnt.X()=rRef.X()+ 
+    rPnt.Y()=rRef.Y()+ 
 inline void RotatePoint(Point& rPnt, const Point& rRef, double sn, double cs)
@@ -221,25 +219,25 @@ SVX_DLLPUBLIC void OrthoDistance4(const Point& rPt0, 
Point& rPt, bool bBigOrtho)
 // Rechnung und Zwischenergebnis sind BigInt.
 SVX_DLLPUBLIC long BigMulDiv(long nVal, long nMul, long nDiv);
-// Fehlerbehaftetes Kuerzen einer Fraction.
+// Fehlerbehaftetes Kuerzen einer boost::rational<long>.
 // nDigits gibt an, wieviele signifikante Stellen in
 // Zaehler/Nenner mindestens erhalten bleiben sollen.
-void Kuerzen(Fraction& rF, unsigned nDigits);
+void Kuerzen(boost::rational<long>& rF, unsigned nDigits);
 class FrPair {
-    Fraction aX;
-    Fraction aY;
+    boost::rational<long> aX;
+    boost::rational<long> aY;
     FrPair()                                          : aX(0,1),aY(0,1)        
-    FrPair(const Fraction& rBoth)                     : aX(rBoth),aY(rBoth)    
-    FrPair(const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY)    : aX(rX),aY(rY)          
+    FrPair(const boost::rational<long>& rBoth)        : aX(rBoth),aY(rBoth)    
+    FrPair(const boost::rational<long>& rX, const boost::rational<long>& rY)   
 : aX(rX),aY(rY)               {}
     FrPair(long nMul, long nDiv)                      : 
aX(nMul,nDiv),aY(nMul,nDiv) {}
     FrPair(long xMul, long xDiv, long yMul, long yDiv): 
aX(xMul,xDiv),aY(yMul,yDiv) {}
-    const Fraction& X() const { return aX; }
-    const Fraction& Y() const { return aY; }
-    Fraction& X()             { return aX; }
-    Fraction& Y()             { return aY; }
+    const boost::rational<long>&  X() const { return aX; }
+    const boost::rational<long>&  Y() const { return aY; }
+    boost::rational<long>&  X()             { return aX; }
+    boost::rational<long>&  Y()             { return aY; }
 // Fuer die Umrechnung von Masseinheiten
@@ -265,7 +263,7 @@ inline bool IsInch(FieldUnit eU) {
 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrFormatter {
-    Fraction  aScale;
+    boost::rational<long>  aScale;
     long      nMul_;
     long      nDiv_;
     short     nKomma_;
diff --git a/include/svx/sxfiitm.hxx b/include/svx/sxfiitm.hxx
index 570ebd0..6aa43ac 100644
--- a/include/svx/sxfiitm.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/sxfiitm.hxx
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@
 #include <svl/poolitem.hxx>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
 /* FractionItem                                                          */
 class SdrFractionItem: public SfxPoolItem {
-    Fraction nValue;
+    boost::rational<long> nValue;
     SdrFractionItem(sal_uInt16 nId=0): SfxPoolItem(nId) {}
-    SdrFractionItem(sal_uInt16 nId, const Fraction& rVal): SfxPoolItem(nId), 
nValue(rVal) {}
+    SdrFractionItem(sal_uInt16 nId, const boost::rational<long>& rVal): 
SfxPoolItem(nId), nValue(rVal) {}
     SdrFractionItem(sal_uInt16 nId, SvStream& rIn);
     virtual bool             operator==(const SfxPoolItem&) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool GetPresentation(SfxItemPresentation ePresentation, SfxMapUnit 
eCoreMetric, SfxMapUnit ePresentationMetric, OUString &rText, const IntlWrapper 
* = 0) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual SfxPoolItem*     Create(SvStream&, sal_uInt16 nVer) const 
     virtual SvStream&        Store(SvStream&, sal_uInt16 nItemVers) const 
     virtual SfxPoolItem*     Clone(SfxItemPool *pPool=NULL) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
-            const Fraction&  GetValue() const { return nValue; }
-            void             SetValue(const Fraction& rVal) { nValue = rVal; }
+            const boost::rational<long>&  GetValue() const { return nValue; }
+            void             SetValue(const boost::rational<long>& rVal) { 
nValue = rVal; }
diff --git a/include/svx/sxsiitm.hxx b/include/svx/sxsiitm.hxx
index 29fdf62..8a7625a 100644
--- a/include/svx/sxsiitm.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/sxsiitm.hxx
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 class SdrScaleItem: public SdrFractionItem {
-    SdrScaleItem(sal_uInt16 nId=0): SdrFractionItem(nId,Fraction(1,1)) {}
-    SdrScaleItem(sal_uInt16 nId, const Fraction& rVal): 
SdrFractionItem(nId,rVal) {}
+    SdrScaleItem(sal_uInt16 nId=0): SdrFractionItem(nId, 
boost::rational<long>(1,1) ) {}
+    SdrScaleItem(sal_uInt16 nId, const boost::rational<long>& rVal): 
SdrFractionItem(nId,rVal) {}
     SdrScaleItem(sal_uInt16 nId, SvStream& rIn): SdrFractionItem(nId,rIn) {}
     virtual bool GetPresentation(SfxItemPresentation ePresentation, SfxMapUnit 
eCoreMetric, SfxMapUnit ePresentationMetric, OUString &rText, const IntlWrapper 
* = 0) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual SfxPoolItem*     Create(SvStream&, sal_uInt16 nVer) const 
diff --git a/include/tools/bigint.hxx b/include/tools/bigint.hxx
index 33d19bc..c4c1c6d 100644
--- a/include/tools/bigint.hxx
+++ b/include/tools/bigint.hxx
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ class SvStream;
 #define MAX_DIGITS 8
-class Fraction;
@@ -144,8 +142,6 @@ public:
     TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend          bool operator> ( const BigInt& rVal1, 
const BigInt& rVal2 );
     friend inline   bool operator<=( const BigInt& rVal1, const BigInt& rVal2 
     friend inline   bool operator>=( const BigInt& rVal1, const BigInt& rVal2 
-    friend class Fraction;
 inline BigInt::operator short() const
diff --git a/include/tools/fract.hxx b/include/tools/fract.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e810e..0000000
--- a/include/tools/fract.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at .
- */
-#include <tools/toolsdllapi.h>
-class SvStream;
-    long            nNumerator;
-    long            nDenominator;
-                    Fraction() { nNumerator = 0; nDenominator = 1; }
-                    Fraction( const Fraction & rFrac );
-                    Fraction( long nNum, long nDen=1 );
-                    Fraction( double dVal );
-    bool            IsValid() const;
-    long            GetNumerator() const { return nNumerator; }
-    long            GetDenominator() const { return nDenominator; }
-    operator        long() const;
-    operator        double() const;
-    Fraction&       operator=( const Fraction& rfrFrac );
-    Fraction&       operator+=( const Fraction& rfrFrac );
-    Fraction&       operator-=( const Fraction& rfrFrac );
-    Fraction&       operator*=( const Fraction& rfrFrac );
-    Fraction&       operator/=( const Fraction& rfrFrac );
-    void            ReduceInaccurate( unsigned nSignificantBits );
-    friend inline   Fraction operator+( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    friend inline   Fraction operator-( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    friend inline   Fraction operator*( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    friend inline   Fraction operator/( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend          bool operator==( const Fraction& rVal1, 
const Fraction& rVal2 );
-    friend inline   bool operator!=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend          bool operator< ( const Fraction& rVal1, 
const Fraction& rVal2 );
-    TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend          bool operator> ( const Fraction& rVal1, 
const Fraction& rVal2 );
-    friend inline   bool operator<=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    friend inline   bool operator>=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& 
rVal2 );
-    TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend SvStream& ReadFraction( SvStream& rIStream, 
Fraction& rFract );
-    TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC friend SvStream& WriteFraction( SvStream& rOStream, const 
Fraction& rFract );
-inline Fraction::Fraction( const Fraction& rFrac )
-    nNumerator   = rFrac.nNumerator;
-    nDenominator = rFrac.nDenominator;
-inline Fraction& Fraction::operator=( const Fraction& rFrac )
-    nNumerator   = rFrac.nNumerator;
-    nDenominator = rFrac.nDenominator;
-    return *this;
-inline bool Fraction::IsValid() const
-    return (nDenominator > 0);
-inline Fraction::operator long() const
-    if ( nDenominator > 0 )
-        return (nNumerator / nDenominator);
-    else
-        return 0;
-inline Fraction operator+( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    Fraction aErg( rVal1 );
-    aErg += rVal2;
-    return aErg;
-inline Fraction operator-( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    Fraction aErg( rVal1 );
-    aErg -= rVal2;
-    return aErg;
-inline Fraction operator*( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    Fraction aErg( rVal1 );
-    aErg *= rVal2;
-    return aErg;
-inline Fraction operator/( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    Fraction aErg( rVal1 );
-    aErg /= rVal2;
-    return aErg;
-inline bool operator !=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    return !(rVal1 == rVal2);
-inline bool operator <=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    return !(rVal1 > rVal2);
-inline bool operator >=( const Fraction& rVal1, const Fraction& rVal2 )
-    return !(rVal1 < rVal2);
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/include/tools/rational.hxx b/include/tools/rational.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eeb103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tools/rational.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ */
+#include <boost/rational.hpp>
+#include <tools/toolsdllapi.h>
+class SvStream;
+TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC boost::rational<long> rational_FromDouble(double dVal);
+TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC void rational_ReduceInaccurate(boost::rational<long>& 
rRational, unsigned nSignificantBits);
+TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& ReadFraction(SvStream& rIStream, 
boost::rational<long>& rRational);
+TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& WriteFraction(SvStream& rOStream, const 
boost::rational<long>& rRational);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/include/vcl/gdimtf.hxx b/include/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
index 5a80213..128895f 100644
--- a/include/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
+++ b/include/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public:
     // additional Move method getting specifics how to handle MapMode( 
     void            Move( long nX, long nY, long nDPIX, long nDPIY );
     void            Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY );
-    void            Scale( const Fraction& rScaleX, const Fraction& rScaleY );
+    void            Scale( const boost::rational<long>& rScaleX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rScaleY );
     void            Rotate( long nAngle10 );
     void            Clip( const Rectangle& );
     /* get the bound rect of the contained actions
diff --git a/include/vcl/mapmod.hxx b/include/vcl/mapmod.hxx
index 10e06d2..211727f 100644
--- a/include/vcl/mapmod.hxx
+++ b/include/vcl/mapmod.hxx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
-#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#include <tools/rational.hxx>
 #include <tools/solar.h>
 #include <vcl/dllapi.h>
 #include <tools/resid.hxx>
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ private:
     sal_uLong           mnRefCount;
     MapUnit         meUnit;
     Point           maOrigin;
-    Fraction        maScaleX;
-    Fraction        maScaleY;
+    boost::rational<long>        maScaleX;
+    boost::rational<long>        maScaleY;
     bool            mbSimple;
     friend SvStream& ReadImplMapMode( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMapMode& rMapMode );
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
                     MapMode( const MapMode& rMapMode );
                     MapMode( MapUnit eUnit );
                     MapMode( MapUnit eUnit, const Point& rLogicOrg,
-                             const Fraction& rScaleX, const Fraction& rScaleY 
+                             const boost::rational<long>& rScaleX, const 
boost::rational<long>& rScaleY );
     void            SetMapUnit( MapUnit eUnit );
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ public:
     const Point&    GetOrigin() const
                         { return mpImplMapMode->maOrigin; }
-    void            SetScaleX( const Fraction& rScaleX );
-    const Fraction& GetScaleX() const
+    void            SetScaleX( const boost::rational<long>& rScaleX );
+    const boost::rational<long>&  GetScaleX() const
                         { return mpImplMapMode->maScaleX; }
-    void            SetScaleY( const Fraction& rScaleY );
-    const Fraction& GetScaleY() const
+    void            SetScaleY( const boost::rational<long>& rScaleY );
+    const boost::rational<long>&  GetScaleY() const
                         { return mpImplMapMode->maScaleY; }
     MapMode&        operator=( const MapMode& rMapMode );
diff --git a/include/vcl/virdev.hxx b/include/vcl/virdev.hxx
index 624cb2f..4886410 100644
--- a/include/vcl/virdev.hxx
+++ b/include/vcl/virdev.hxx
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public:
     bool                SetOutputSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize, bool bErase 
= true );
     bool                SetOutputSizePixelScaleOffsetAndBuffer( const Size& 
-                                                                const 
Fraction& rScale,
+                                                                const 
boost::rational<long>& rScale,
                                                                 const Point& 
basebmp::RawMemorySharedArray &pBuffer,
                                                                 const bool 
bTopDown = false );
diff --git a/include/vcl/window.hxx b/include/vcl/window.hxx
index decc15c..14c23bd 100644
--- a/include/vcl/window.hxx
+++ b/include/vcl/window.hxx
@@ -1009,8 +1009,8 @@ public:
     void                                SetCursor( vcl::Cursor* pCursor );
     vcl::Cursor*                        GetCursor() const;
-    void                                SetZoom( const Fraction& rZoom );
-    const Fraction&                     GetZoom() const;
+    void                                SetZoom( const boost::rational<long>& 
rZoom );
+    const boost::rational<long>&        GetZoom() const;
     bool                                IsZoom() const;
     long                                CalcZoom( long n ) const;
diff --git a/reportdesign/inc/RptObject.hxx b/reportdesign/inc/RptObject.hxx
index 6f2cfca..d91e271 100644
--- a/reportdesign/inc/RptObject.hxx
+++ b/reportdesign/inc/RptObject.hxx
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ protected:
     OCustomShape(const OUString& _sComponentName);
     virtual void NbcMove( const Size& rSize ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd) SAL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ protected:
     virtual void NbcMove( const Size& rSize ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd) SAL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ protected:
     virtual ~OUnoObject();
     virtual void NbcMove( const Size& rSize ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const 
Fraction& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFact, const boost::rational<long>& yFact) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual bool EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd) SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/reportdesign/source/core/sdr/RptObject.cxx 
index 0d76ae2..5c0d525 100644
--- a/reportdesign/source/core/sdr/RptObject.cxx
+++ b/reportdesign/source/core/sdr/RptObject.cxx
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ void OCustomShape::NbcMove( const Size& rSize )
         SdrObjCustomShape::NbcMove( rSize );
-void OCustomShape::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFract, const 
Fraction& yFract)
+void OCustomShape::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFract, const boost::rational<long>& yFract)
     SdrObjCustomShape::NbcResize( rRef, xFract, yFract );
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ void OUnoObject::NbcMove( const Size& rSize )
-void OUnoObject::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFract, const 
Fraction& yFract)
+void OUnoObject::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFract, const boost::rational<long>& yFract)
     SdrUnoObj::NbcResize( rRef, xFract, yFract );
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ void OOle2Obj::NbcMove( const Size& rSize )
-void OOle2Obj::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFract, const 
Fraction& yFract)
+void OOle2Obj::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const boost::rational<long>& 
xFract, const boost::rational<long>& yFract)
     SdrOle2Obj::NbcResize( rRef, xFract, yFract );
diff --git a/reportdesign/source/ui/inc/DesignView.hxx 
index 2b219ea..4c36ab7 100644

... etc. - the rest is truncated
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