        Andras, Michael, Mitch, Rainer, Caolan,
        Rene, Petr, Francois, Cedric, Bjoern

* Completed action items
        + review Norbert's updated C app (Kendy, Tor)

* Pending Action Items:
        + Easy Hacks - completion / fixing (Bjoern)
        + in-progress: get SmartArt into master feature (Thorsten)
        + in-progress: manual for nightlies (Rainer)
        * in-progress: implementing vertical text with Cairo (Caolan)
        * download: split the m5 and filename (Caolan)
        * in-progress: add daily-builds related ideas to wiki (Rainer)
                * better cleanup rules on the server
                * on-line updates for QA for dailies
AA:     + windows snapshot builds are really old (Fridrich)

* Review Action Items
* conference paper submission brainstorming (Michael)
        + Andras:
                + l10n panel / BoF
        + Michael
                + meet the ESC panel ...
                + status report for the last year's work ?
        + Mitch
                + feedback from a new C++ extension author
        + Caolan
                + Writer internals cf. FOSDEM ? (with Cedric)
                + Security / testing infrastructure / work
        + Francois
                + making LibreOffice easier to port
        + Cedric
                + GSOC update - double-slot
                + what's next in writer
        + Norbert
                + onegit and threading fun [ in absentia ]
        + Bjoern
                + gbuild - why / how / get involved
AA:     Submit the papers ... (All)

* misc technical / process decisions
        * one git migration timeline / plans (deferred to next time)
        * translation code update (Andras)
                + dgettext code
                        + random corruption in other strings (oddly)
                        + no apparent pattern to them ?
                        + fprintfs of gettext strings on the console
AA:                     + read the patch again (Michael, Bjoern)
                + binary translation file translation
                  prototype under way, strings work so far.
                        + may be a good alternative
                + resource comparison
                        + size of the .mo file ~= the .res file
                        + seek time increase
                + optional gettext translation code-path is good to keep 
                + consensus: do both ...
                + 1/3rd of the translated strings are in XML
        * library merging plan / progress (Michael / Matus)
                + post tail_build re-merging
                + issues with different link routes
                + linking time concerns a potential issue
                + broadly ok with the idea
        * gnumake4 CWS merging
                + area sterilised by Bjoern's lock
                + work is re-based into: feature/gnumake4
                + building, but not running ...
                        + most likely component registration
AA:             + ask Matus to look into that ...

        * enable on-line updates for QA for dailies ... (Kendy)
                + next time.

* Releng bits (Petr)
        + deadline for 3.4.2 RC1 * is Monday *
                + lots of fixes included
                + would be great to fix more of the most annoying issues
        + 3.4.1 release
                + delayed by 2 days
                + no un-expected regressions post rc2

* QA update (Rainer)
        + a 'dataloss' keyword for the whiteboard ?
                + OOX filters still a work in progress
                + any alien export can loose data
                + crashes can loose data
                + is there a need for a keyword ?
                + helpful way to capture severity.
        + working on better metrics for enterprise quality
        + un-triaged QA bugs count still high
        + marketing / banner to attracts QA engs planned for Aug

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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