hmm...there are 2 things in pie chart - one to show the values and
second to show the percentages. (the user can choose to display both).
While the data store in impress doesn't seem to hold much of the
formatting information. I assumed it is the responsibility of the
importer (in this case pptx), to interpret the file correctly and tell
impress what to display.
As far as I checked, I couldn't find formatting information being stored
for the series data in pptx (- high probability that I might have missed
this). But, if we have such a provision, we can solve these issues.

(In this case: pptx info says display values, while the series data is
formatted as percentages).

I hope I understood you right ;)

On 07/12/2011 12:39 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 17:21 +0530, Muthu Subramanian K wrote:
>>>     makes me wonder if we don't want that in our own pie chart
>>> implementation rather than in the filter though ... :-) But I picked it
>>> for -3-4.
>> Sorry, but I didn't understand this. Did you mean the filter code (oox),
>> please?
>       Sure - can we make our pie chart2 impl. behave in this way, rather than
> having a hack in the filter code to do it ;-)
>       ATB,
>               Michael.

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