
I've committed the following to master:


This fixes a particularly confusing behavior that you experience when
you want to print something, and have a selection in the document.  In
this case, the print dialog was defaulting to printing the selection
only - which is problematic as printing the selection changes the layout

The most striking example is when you want to 'deselect' everything in
your document by clicking somewhere.  When you are 'lucky', and click on
a picture, following by trying to print, it will print just the picture
(because it was selected by the click, unlike to clicking to a text that
just positions the cursor, and deselects everything).

Please let me know if this breaks some particularly useful use case; I
hope it does not.  Somebody who wants to print the selection knows what
she wants to achieve, so she is ready to select the 'Selection' option;
this is not true the other way around when somebody selects something
accidentally, and wants to print.

Thank you,

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