On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 07:45:37PM -0200, Olivier Hallot wrote:

> While translating, I stumbled into

> "List of known-bad OpenCL implementation"
> "List of known-good OpenCL implementation"

> Is this the equivalent of

> "List of known bad implementation of OpenCL"
> "List of known good implementation of OpenCL"

So, I'm not a native English speaker, and I'm by training akin to a
logician, so maybe what I'm going to say is a "déformation

In my understanding, "List of known-bad OpenCL implementations" (it
needs to be a plural IMHO) is equivalent to "List of OpenCL
implementations that are known to be bad", while "List of known bad
implementations of OpenCL" is equivalent to "List of OpenCL
implementations that are known and are bad". "Known to be bad" and
"known and bad" are not the same statement.

> Also, is there a better word for "bad" in that context? What is
> "bad"?  underperformance?, incomplete? unreliable? incompatible?
> etc...

The sentence doesn't say... Maybe the context does.

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