Hi all,

The tag libreoffice- (AKA 4.2.8 RC1) and the corresponding
branch libreoffice-4-2-8 have been created.
The branch will be used for fine tuning of the 4.2.8 release. (there
is one additional RC upcoming)

The following rules apply:

        + preferably just translation or blocker fixes
        + only cherry-picking from libreoffice-4-2 branch
        + 2 additional reviews needed; 2nd reviewer pushes
        + no regular merges back to anything

4.2.8 is an additional release to finish the 4.2 series

Now, if you want to switch your clone to the branch, please do:

./g pull -r
./g checkout -b libreoffice-4-2-8 origin/libreoffice-4-2-8

To checkout the tag, use

./g fetch --tags
./g checkout -b tag-libreoffice- libreoffice-

Hopefully it will work for you :-)  Most probably, you will also want to
do (if you haven't done it yet):

git config --global push.default tracking

When you do git push with this, git will push only the branch you are
on; e.g. libreoffice-4-2-8 when you have switched to it.  This will
save you some git shouting at you.

Linux distro packages might find source tarballs at
They will soon be available from the official page together with the builds.

Attached is the list of changes against 4.2.7 rc2 (4.2.7 final)

Happy hacking,
fdo#79441 fix again and keep references to other sheets during sort [Eike Rathke]
fdo#80571 related: identify places where -1 was cast to 0xFFFF in the past [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#81633 add a hidden configuration option to toggle ref update on sort. [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#82936 do not clear the 3D flag on refupdate [Eike Rathke]
fdo#83765 do not update references in SortReorderByColumn() if disabled [Eike Rathke]
fdo#84043 don't create duplicate Mirrored[X|Y] properties [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#85215 don't adjust references wrt cell position when disabled. [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#85282 correct adjustment of range reference on delete & shift. [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#86449 CVE-2014-9093 backport rtf fixes [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#86451 CVE-2014-9093 backport rtf fixes [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#86708 paint after Undo of Sort [Eike Rathke]
i#17171 related: identify places where -1 was cast to 0xFFFF in the past [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix again and keep references to other sheets during sort (fdo#79441) [Eike Rathke]
    + related: identify places where -1 was cast to 0xFFFF in the past (fdo#80571) [Caolán McNamara]
    + add a hidden configuration option to toggle ref update on sort. (fdo#81633) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + do not clear the 3D flag on refupdate (fdo#82936) [Eike Rathke]
    + do not update references in SortReorderByColumn() if disabled (fdo#83765) [Eike Rathke]
    + don't create duplicate Mirrored[X|Y] properties (fdo#84043) [Caolán McNamara]
    + don't adjust references wrt cell position when disabled. (fdo#85215) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + correct adjustment of range reference on delete & shift. (fdo#85282) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + CVE-2014-9093 backport rtf fixes (fdo#86449) [Caolán McNamara]
    + CVE-2014-9093 backport rtf fixes (fdo#86451) [Caolán McNamara]
    + paint after Undo of Sort (fdo#86708) [Eike Rathke]
    + related: identify places where -1 was cast to 0xFFFF in the past (i#17171) [Caolán McNamara]
+ core
    + add a hidden configuration option to toggle ref update on sort. (fdo#81633) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + branch libreoffice-4-2-8 [Christian Lohmaier]
    + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier]
    + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier]
    + correct adjustment of range reference on delete & shift. (fdo#85282) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + CVE-2014-3566 (etc) [Caolán McNamara]
    + CVE-2014-9093 backport rtf fixes (fdo#86449, fdo#86451) [Caolán McNamara]
    + do not clear the 3D flag on refupdate (fdo#82936) [Eike Rathke]
    + do not update references in SortReorderByColumn() if disabled (fdo#83765) [Eike Rathke]
    + don't adjust references wrt cell position when disabled. (fdo#85215) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + don't create duplicate Mirrored[X|Y] properties (fdo#84043) [Caolán McNamara]
    + ensure that formula broadcasting works after sort. (fdo#85215) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + fix again and keep references to other sheets during sort (fdo#79441) [Eike Rathke]
    + paint after Undo of Sort (fdo#86708) [Eike Rathke]
    + related: identify places where -1 was cast to 0xFFFF in the past (fdo#80571, i#17171) [Caolán McNamara]
    + set only valid positions from ScExtTabSettings at ScViewDataTable [Eike Rathke]
    + test rows for validity [Caolán McNamara]
    + update credits [Christian Lohmaier]
    + updated core [Christian Lohmaier]
    + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]
+ dictionaries
    + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]
+ help
    + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]
+ translations
    + update translations for 4.2.8 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]
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