On 01/04/2015 09:55 AM, julien2412 wrote:
I noticed this (after having added "--track-origins=yes" to Valgrind line

btw, you can also pass that in via VALGRIND_OPTS env var,

  VALGRIND=memcheck VALGRIND_OPTS=--track-origins=yes soffice

Here's the content of ImplGetSVData():
      79 ImplSVData::ImplSVData()
      80 {
      81     // init global instance data
      82     memset( this, 0, sizeof( ImplSVData ) );
      83     maHelpData.mbAutoHelpId = true;
      84     maNWFData.maMenuBarHighlightTextColor = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT
      85 }

I know it's been like this since 2007 at least but is it really ok to
initialize an object (which contains not only integral types but also
structure/classes) this way?

In principle, no; in practice, yes. (Incidentally, I recently made a mental node to eventually clean that up while doing <http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=55b68ad017d61f2fd4a3408632007880aabd05fe> "Instantiate ImplSVData on demand," but didn't yet come around to it. Feel free to clean up.)

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