Hi Michel,

Personnaly I'm for the first solution, there is few gitignore about visual
studio, adding those for QT Creator doesn'tseems an issue.

Bjoern any sugestion ?


2015-02-17 22:42 GMT+01:00 Michel Renon <michel.re...@free.fr>:

> Hi,
> For my first participation in LibreOffice code, I'm starting to configure
> my working environment by working on QtCreator integration, based on
> current script 'gbuild-to-ide'.
> I had already some good results :
> - build LO from Qtcreator
> - debug LO with QtCreator GUI (and see variables and stackframe)
> But the problem is related to project files.
> QtCreator has an interesting feature : it handles 'metaproject' : a
> project that lists other subprojects in subfolders. It works very well for
> LO except :
> - the project file must have the same name that his directory
> (ie : in the 'sw' folder, the project file must be 'sw.pro', not '.sw.pro',
> neither 'sw_qt.pro'...)
> - in the metaproject, we just list subfolders, and QtCreator searches for
> subprojects ; we can't explicitly indicate the subproject file
> and each project/subproject file has a corresponding ".pro.user" file that
> contains the real build and configuration settings.
> So, in order to not pollute LO code and git repo, how can we organize
> those project files ?
> I thought about 2 solutions :
> - create project files in the real folders (ie 'sw.pro' and 'sw.pro.user'
> in 'sw'), then list all those project files in the '.gitignore'
> (are there already some '.pro' files in LO repo ?)

Only .pro files I see are inside workdir, not in git repo

> - create ghost folders with project files :
> create '.sw_qtcreator.pro' and '.sw_qtcreator.pro.user' inside
> '.sw_qtcreator' folder ; then list those ghost folders in '.gitignore'.
> Do you have another suggestions ?
> What should I implement ?
> Cheers,
> Michel
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