On 26.02.2015 01:16, Jens Tröger wrote:
> Thanks Michael.  Looking at 13. in this FAQ
>   http://www.openoffice.org/udk/python/python-bridge.html#faq
> it seems that queryInterface() is not needed.  Thus, I'm using the

that is true if you know that the interface is implemented (and very
convenient), but i don't know what happens in case the service does not
actually support the interface you want to call (i.e. looking up the
method fails).  probably you get some kind of exception.

but as i said i think XCloseable should be implemented for every LO

> following code now
>     document.close(True)
>     document.dispose()
> and that seems to work too.

if you call close() then unconditionally calling dispose() is not a good
idea, the requirement is apparently to call dispose() *only* if close()
does not exist.

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