I probably ought to file a bug/enhancement report, but if anyone's interested they can investigate.

First the weirdo/bug. I've got an old spreadsheet from 3.5/3.4 days. It has six sheets in it. On three sheets, clicking print preview or print gave you a blank sheet, despite data on the sheet. On the other three, things worked fine. Copying the data to a new sheet fixed the problem, but it was weird hitting it ...

And the enhancement - sort seems to always guess wrong about a header row. That makes sorting a real pain, because the dialog comes up on the sort criteria tab. You then have to switch to the options tab, set/reset the "range contains column labels", and go back to sort criteria. NOT user friendly. Shouldn't we move this option at least on to the sort criteria tab? I can understand why it's on the options tab, but seeing as it directly affects the options available on the sort criteria tab, there is a very strong argument that this particular option does belong on the sort criteria tab.

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