On Mon, Mar 09, 2015 at 11:35:39AM +0100, Miklos Vajna wrote:
> When I worked on the writerfilter python scripts, I saw that at least
> $(call gb_ExternalExecutable_get_command,python) returns an internal
> Python 3 on Windows, but uses the system Python on Linux / OS X, which
> is indeed confusing, as on OS X, the system Python is 2.x. (I.e. my only
> choice was to use a subset of Python that is OK on both 2.x and 3.x.)
> Hopefully that's not independent from the Python that is used for pyuno.
> ;-)
> Regards,
> Miklos

Did you build LO yourself on Yosemite?  When you download the standard LO
drop then it ships with its own Py 3.3 and won't ever use the System (or
MacPorts) Python.  In fact, there seems to be a bit of a challenge in
using UNO with a System Python



Jens Tröger
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