
On Thu, Apr 09, 2015 at 11:28:46AM +0300, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
>    Note that you are running the soffice binary from the command-line,
>    which obviously is not at all a normal way to run LibreOffice on OS
>    X.

What is "normal" is not the question.  I run most of my stuff out of a
terminal _because_ I get additional output; often applications quit
silently which is irritating.  On Linux, running out of a shell is
"normal", and LO dumps the same there.

Furthermore, I also run LO headless in a server environment, and such
output pollutes the server logs.  This is why I became aware of this
problem in the first place.

>    One could even say that by doing so, you by definition are asking
>    for "odd output"... 


>    Any messages printed to standard output or standard error are easy
>    to misinterpret,

Hence my question to the developers as to how to interpret this
particular message.

>    and unless you plan to investigate yourself what is going on, you
>    should ignore them.

I disagree with this statement.  The point of starting this thread is to
raise awareness to the devs who know and own the code that something odd
is going on here, so that this issue can be discussed and resolved by
those who have the appropriate knowledge.

Expecting people who have no experience with the code base to
investigate is a waste of everybody's time, and will lead to false
diagnoses and inappropriate fixes.

>    It is quite likely that the "Document is empty" message is a red
>    herring.


>    You didn't tell what eventually happens, anyway? Does LibreOffice
>    open the file (as plain text) or not? If not, what actual error
>    message intended for the user (in the GUI) does it display?

It does open the file as plain text, and LO does not give any further
GUI warnings.


Jens Tröger
LibreOffice mailing list

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