On 08/25/2015 02:51 PM, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
On 08/25/2015 01:14 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 08/25/2015 12:07 PM, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Punchline: use standard http/https URL schemes instead of non-standard
dav/davs ones.

I know, I know :-)

But the main reason for asking is the way our users employ the dav://
and davs:// schemes in local interaction with a browser, as in this [1].

So probably something else is needed in local use only.

The internal scheme vnd.sun.star.webdav: may be used, though misses the
https:// counterpart (vnd.sun.star.webdavs: ?).

Or something entirely new: vnd.tdf.org.dav: / vnd.tdf.org.davs: ? :-)

In order to use pure WebDAV and not the file system mapped one.

So in the the users will have a choice (in Linux, don't know in other

- WebDAV file system mapped: dav:// davs://
- pure WebDAV: a choice among the others I suggested above.

I don't really understand what requires use of URL schemes different from http/https in your users' scenarios. But, depending on how tightly you control your users' environments, another option might be to install into their environments configuration settings (under /org.openoffice.ucb.Configuration/ContentProviders/Local/SecondaryKeys/Office/ProviderData) that do map the dav/davs URL schemes to the com.sun.star.ucb.WebDAVContentProvider service (instead of implicitly leaving them to be handled by a default-registered gnome-vfs or gio service, if applicable, or to be left unhandled). (Which would of course undo for these users the fix for rhbz#1134285 mentioned above, where applicable.)
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