Le 07/10/2015 14:22, Michael Stahl a écrit :
On 07.10.2015 13:12, Michel Renon wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Le 15/06/2015 15:30, Michael Stahl a écrit :
>> On 15.06.2015 15:21, Michel Renon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is the next step of QtCreator integration : debugging of OUString
>>> (and internal type rtl_uString)
>>> http://imgur.com/ZrvIZ2V,2G52CwW,2r2wVSP
>>> 1 : default view for OUString variable : just address and length
>>> 2 : new view : you have the string (here with some specific french
>>> characters and 'euro' symbol)
>>> 3 : new view : you can have internals of OUString
>> i don't quite understand - why not just display the content of the
>> string by default using the python pretty printers in solenv/gdb, like
>> Eclipse CDT and KDevelop do?
> Because QtCreator has its own api...
> http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-debugging-helpers.html

... but evidently the gdb ones do work, for me, on Fedora 22:


I have Qt Creator 3.1.1 (with Ubuntu SDK)

if i attach to soffice.bin and hover over an OUString variable the
pop-up displays the content of the string properly; also the "variable"
view on the right side of the window.

iirc this didn't work out-of-the-box, i had to go to
Tools->Options->Debugger->GDB and change something there, probably the
"Load system GDB pretty printers" setting.
Fyi, here is a screenshot of the popup display when I applied your settings

I'll ask that question to Qt support and keep you informed.

Thanks for your feedback,

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