On Wed, 07 Oct 2015 11:10:08 +0200
Jan-Marek Glogowski <glo...@fbihome.de> wrote:
(when topic was 'Can't track flow of characters in from Input Method

> Am 06.10.2015 um 23:51 schrieb Richard Wordingham:
> > I think my compiler (gcc
> > Version 4.6.3) is too old to compile Version 5.0, which is where I
> > noticed the problem.
> ...
> > I am running Ubuntu 12.04 with the default desktop.

> LO 5.0 builds just fine in Precise / 12.04. See
> https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=precise
> for newer packages.

OK. I found a tar ball for which *does* build on Ubuntu 12.04.

However, when I try building from 'trunk' (or whatever its called)
pulling in the source via git, compilation still fails, just as (well,
one line number's changed) happened just over three months ago
).  I did not get a usable answer then.

In response to my example patch at
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94753 , I've been
told to use gerrit to discuss patch proposals.  Presumably I should at
least confirm that my patches compile in the developing form of
LibreOffice.  So, what version of gcc do I need to build LibreOffice?
Or is there a bug in include/rtl/ustring.hxx?  I don't know C++ well
enough to understand the problem.

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