
I had tried to build LO, but thereare two errors during build:

Compiling: filter/source/graphicfilter/epict/epict.cxx
Making:    epict.lib
Making:    libeptlo.so
Making:    all_epict.dpslo
Entering /home/user/projects/libreoffice/filter/source/svg

Compiling: filter/source/svg/parserfragments.cxx
Compiling: filter/source/svg/impsvgdialog.cxx
dmake:  Error: -- `svgscript.hxx' not found, and can't be made

        Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/user/projects/libreoffice/filter/source/svg

 it seems that the error is inside 'filter', please re-run build
 inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

cd /home/user/projects/libreoffice
source ./Env.Host.sh
cd filter
rm -Rf /home/user/projects/libreoffice/filter/unxlngi6 # optional module 'clean'

when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the top-level

And next error:

Making:    libpcrlo.so
../../unxlngi6/slo/MasterDetailLinkDialog.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcr22MasterDetailLinkDialogE[vtable for pcr::MasterDetailLinkDialog]+0x120): undefined reference to `cppu::OPropertySetHelper::enableChangeListenerNotification(unsigned char)' ../../unxlngi6/slo/MasterDetailLinkDialog.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcr22MasterDetailLinkDialogE[vtable for pcr::MasterDetailLinkDialog]+0x194): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to svt::OGenericUnoDialog::queryInterface(com::sun::star::uno::Type const&)' ../../unxlngi6/slo/MasterDetailLinkDialog.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcr22MasterDetailLinkDialogE[vtable for pcr::MasterDetailLinkDialog]+0x1a0): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to cppu::OPropertySetHelper::enableChangeListenerNotification(unsigned char)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../../unxlngi6/lib/libpcrlo.so'

        Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/user/projects/libreoffice/extensions/source/propctrlr

 it seems that the error is inside 'extensions', please re-run build
 inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

cd /home/user/projects/libreoffice
source ./Env.Host.sh
cd extensions
rm -Rf /home/user/projects/libreoffice/extensions/unxlngi6 # optional module 'clean'

when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the top-level

Are any ideas how to fix problems?

Thank you!

Best Regards,

<<attachment: dmitry_ashkadov.vcf>>

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