
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found 
with Coverity Scan.

7 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
29 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the 
recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 7 of 7 defect(s)

** CID 1348472:    (UNUSED_VALUE)
/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx: 1258 in 
SvxAutoCorrect::DoAutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrDoc &, const rtl::OUString &, int, 
char16_t, bool, vcl::Window *)()
/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx: 1275 in 
SvxAutoCorrect::DoAutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrDoc &, const rtl::OUString &, int, 
char16_t, bool, vcl::Window *)()

*** CID 1348472:    (UNUSED_VALUE)
/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx: 1258 in 
SvxAutoCorrect::DoAutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrDoc &, const rtl::OUString &, int, 
char16_t, bool, vcl::Window *)()
1252                 // Hardspaces autocorrection
1253                 if ( IsAutoCorrFlag( AddNonBrkSpace ) )
1254                 {
1255                     if ( NeedsHardspaceAutocorr( cChar ) &&
1256                         FnAddNonBrkSpace( rDoc, rTxt, 0, nInsPos, 
rDoc.GetLanguage( nInsPos ) ) )
1257                     {
>>>     CID 1348472:    (UNUSED_VALUE)
>>>     Assigning value "4UL" to "nRet" here, but that stored value is 
>>> overwritten before it can be used.
1258                         nRet = AddNonBrkSpace;
1259                     }
1260                     else if ( bIsNextRun && !IsAutoCorrectChar( cChar ) )
1261                     {
1262                         // Remove the NBSP if it wasn't an autocorrection
1263                         if ( nInsPos != 0 && NeedsHardspaceAutocorr( rTxt[ 
nInsPos - 1 ] ) &&
/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx: 1275 in 
SvxAutoCorrect::DoAutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrDoc &, const rtl::OUString &, int, 
char16_t, bool, vcl::Window *)()
1269                             while ( bContinue )
1270                             {
1271                                 const sal_Unicode cTmpChar = rTxt[ nPos ];
1272                                 if ( cTmpChar == cNonBreakingSpace )
1273                                 {
1274                                     rDoc.Delete( nPos, nPos + 1 );
>>>     CID 1348472:    (UNUSED_VALUE)
>>>     Assigning value "4UL" to "nRet" here, but that stored value is 
>>> overwritten before it can be used.
1275                                     nRet = AddNonBrkSpace;
1276                                     bContinue = false;
1277                                 }
1278                                 else if ( !NeedsHardspaceAutocorr( 
cTmpChar ) || nPos == 0 )
1279                                     bContinue = false;
1280                                 nPos--;

** CID 1348471:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/filter/source/svg/gfxtypes.hxx: 187 in svgi::State::State()()

*** CID 1348471:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/filter/source/svg/gfxtypes.hxx: 187 in svgi::State::State()()
181             meLineJoin(basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Miter),
182             mnMiterLimit(4.0),
183             mnStrokeWidth(1.0),
184             maViewportFillColor(1.0),
185             maViewportFillGradient(Gradient::LINEAR),
186             mnStyleId(0)
>>>     CID 1348471:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>>     Non-static class member "mnParentFontSize" is not initialized in this 
>>> constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
187         {}
189         basegfx::B2DHomMatrix       maCTM;
190         basegfx::B2DHomMatrix       maTransform;
191         basegfx::B2DRange           maViewport;
192         basegfx::B2DRange           maViewBox;

** CID 1348470:  Control flow issues  (MISSING_BREAK)
/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx: 3503 in 

*** CID 1348470:  Control flow issues  (MISSING_BREAK)
/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx: 3503 in 
3497         case RTF_LANDSCAPE:
3498         {
3499             auto pValue = 
3500             lcl_putNestedAttribute(m_aDefaultState.aSectionSprms,
3501                                    NS_ooxml::LN_EG_SectPrContents_pgSz, 
NS_ooxml::LN_CT_PageSz_orient, pValue);
3502         }
>>>     CID 1348470:  Control flow issues  (MISSING_BREAK)
>>>     The above case falls through to this one.
3503         case RTF_LNDSCPSXN:
3504         {
3505             auto pValue = 
3506             lcl_putNestedAttribute(m_aStates.top().aSectionSprms,
3507                                    NS_ooxml::LN_EG_SectPrContents_pgSz, 
NS_ooxml::LN_CT_PageSz_orient, pValue);
3508         }

** CID 1348469:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
/vcl/source/window/winproc.cxx: 1975 in ImplHandleUserEvent(ImplSVEvent *)()

*** CID 1348469:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
/vcl/source/window/winproc.cxx: 1975 in ImplHandleUserEvent(ImplSVEvent *)()
1969     static void ImplHandleUserEvent( ImplSVEvent* pSVEvent )
1970     {
1971         if ( pSVEvent )
1972         {
1973             if ( pSVEvent->mbCall && !pSVEvent->maDelData.IsDead() )
1974             {
>>>     CID 1348469:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
>>>     The same code is executed regardless of whether 
>>> "pSVEvent->mpWindow.operator bool()" is true, because the 'then' and 'else' 
>>> branches are identical. Should one of the branches be modified, or the 
>>> entire 'if' statement replaced?
1975                 if ( pSVEvent->mpWindow )
1976                 {
1977                     pSVEvent->maLink.Call( pSVEvent->mpData );
1978                 }
1979                 else
1980                 {

** CID 1348468:  Incorrect expression  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 521 in 
oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const 
rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, const 
com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle *, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, 
oox::drawingml::FillProperties &)()

*** CID 1348468:  Incorrect expression  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 521 in 
oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const 
rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, const 
com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle *, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, 
oox::drawingml::FillProperties &)()
515                 // Guard against zero width or height.
516                 if (i)
517                 {
518                     const basegfx::B2DPoint& rPreviousPoint = 
aPoly.getB2DPoint(i - 1);
519                     if (aPoint.getX() - rPreviousPoint.getX() == 0)
520                         aPoint.setX(aPoint.getX() + 1);
>>>     CID 1348468:  Incorrect expression  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
>>>     "getX" in "rPreviousPoint->getX()" looks like a copy-paste error.
521                     if (aPoint.getY() - rPreviousPoint.getX() == 0)
522                         aPoint.setY(aPoint.getY() + 1);
523                 }
525                 if (bIsWriter && bInGroup)
526                     // Writer's draw page is in twips, and these points get 

** CID 1348467:  Integer handling issues  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx: 411 in 
svgi::<unnamed>::AnnotatingVisitor::operator ()(const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XElement> &, const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XNamedNodeMap> &)()

*** CID 1348467:  Integer handling issues  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx: 411 in 
svgi::<unnamed>::AnnotatingVisitor::operator ()(const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XElement> &, const 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XNamedNodeMap> &)()
405                             if( XML_ID == nTokenId )
406                             {
407                                 maElementVector.push_back(xElem);
409                                     maElementVector.size() - 1));
410                             }
>>>     CID 1348467:  Integer handling issues  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
>>>     The "or" condition "nTokenId != 45 || nTokenId != 310" will always be 
>>> true because "nTokenId" cannot be equal to two different values at the same 
>>> time, so it must be not equal to at least one of them.
411                             else if ( nTokenId != XML_COLOR || nTokenId != 
412                                 parseAttribute(nTokenId,
413                                     sAttributeValue);
414                         }
416                         // all attributes parsed, can calc total CTM now

** CID 1348466:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx: 1357 in BasicManager::LoadLib(unsigned short)()

*** CID 1348466:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx: 1357 in BasicManager::LoadLib(unsigned short)()
1351             BasicLibInfo& rLibInfo = *mpImpl->aLibs[nLib];
1352             uno::Reference< script::XLibraryContainer > xLibContainer = 
1353             if( xLibContainer.is() )
1354             {
1355                 OUString aLibName = rLibInfo.GetLibName();
1356                 xLibContainer->loadLibrary( aLibName );
>>>     CID 1348466:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "isLibraryLoaded" without checking return value (as is done 
>>> elsewhere 39 out of 40 times).
1357                 xLibContainer->isLibraryLoaded( aLibName );
1358             }
1359             else
1360             {
1361                 ImpLoadLibrary( &rLibInfo, nullptr );
1362                 StarBASIC* pLib = GetLib( nLib );

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