This is pretty cool :-)

I’ve currently got an odd issue with Calc not detecting the content-encoding 
via the WebDAV layer in bug 95217 - - Persian test in a 
webpage encoded as UTF-8 is corrupting.

Is it worthwhile having an optional component that runs a local webserver that 
can test out stuff like this?


> On 27 Jan 2016, at 8:33 PM, Giuseppe Castagno 
> <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> after the first very trivial test on WebDAV provider, I would like to 
> implement the 'real' unit tests with a server.
> The reason is obvious: in the end is with an external server that ucp.webdav 
> will interact.
> This will permit to stimulate all the three layers the provider has (roughly: 
> component layer, session layer, interface library).
> A local test, e.g. without a server, can only test a very small part of the 
> whole provider operations.
> The test I'd like to implement is the normal run of tests I did manually so 
> far:
> 1) load a file to a server and check if the file is locked;
> 2) close the file, check if unlocked;
> 3) try the open/edit/save operation and check if the file is still locked;
> more tests...
> Plus tests to stimulate the Web functionality (read data from Web), the 
> extensions update mechanism (that use webdav provider to read the new 
> extension version information and get the new extension if the user wishes 
> so), etc...
> Because an external server is needed, this test cannot be run in normal 
> build, should be run manually from the test/developer instead.
> A dedicated make target should be implemented for that.
> Comments appreciated.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Kind Regards,
> Giuseppe Castagno aka beppec56
> Acca Esse
> giuseppe.castagno at
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