On 09/23/2011 02:04 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 16:11 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>> "There is almost no-one working on Base so it's gradually getting worse
>> as regressions slip in"

Actually I was quoting a line from one of the numerous posts we get on
the users list advising new users on the list /not/ to use Base. It
would have been helpful to not have snipped the "However there is a
poster on the LO users list that continues to make statements such as:"

>       By far the best thing to do (as a user) is to get stuck into the base
> code and help out with it.

I'd like to, but suspect that might be beyond my limitations. While I've
a coding past (microcoding on Varian V series minicomputers mainframe
emulation), I think that my time is better spent on assisting users from
the user perspective.

>> I'd very much appreciate it if I (we) could get a status on Base
>> development/patches/bug fixes/developers etc., in order to counter/stop
>> such posts... or confirm.
>       The best way to counter / stop such posts is to do the work to start
> reading the code, and digging into whatever bug most concerns you - ask
> questions about the code here, and we can help out. If you use databases
> anyway you're prolly a more technical user, and the jump to being able
> to report very good bugs of the form: "when I change this line to ABC
> the bug goes - do you think that is a fix ?" rises.
>       Since the beginning of September we've had 19 commits (to dbaccess &
> connectivity) that I see in master - but hey - you should look at the
> public cgit logs and do the analysis yourself to avoid wasting developer
> time.

Thanks to the link Cor provided (thanks Cor) I can do that. In looking at:
I see what appear to be other components that also are Base related
(unixODBC for example). Can you advise if there are more?

I'm sorry that you, and apparently others here, feel that I'm "wasting
developer time". IMO Base is a key and primary component of LO, and it's
outfacing representation, use and capabilities to those that use LO are,
to me anyway, important. I'm not the enemy here, I'm just trying to get
a handle on the development status of Base in order to present facts
about the product when users, particularly new LO users, ask questions
about it on the user list. I prefer factual responses to FUD. Anyway,
again "Sorry for the intrusion as a 'user'." and I'll not waste any more
of the developers valuable time.

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