Sorry for double mail, to this theme, but speaking with a good friend of mine 
(who runs a very big ci system), I got an idea, which might solve the problem 
for good.

Whenever jenkins builds a gerrit job, jenkins master knows when all platforms 
for that patch is compiled, so it should be possible to have a post-script on 
jenkins master (for gerrit builds) that does:
1) check if all platforms build
2) get the master commit the patch is based on
3) if the commit is higher than tag "buildable_master", move tag

I am no ci expert, so I leave it to Norbert to tell if the assumptions is wrong 
for our setup (I was told that jenkins master can be setup very differently).

This will allow contributors to build their first patch on a commit that are 
buildable on all platforms. Outstanding is to refine it, by including the 
result from our tinderboxes, which seems more difficult.


jan i.

> On 21 Apr 2016, at 10:25, jan iversen <> wrote:
> Just had an interesting IRC chat on the infra channel. 
> It seems it would be easy to have our ci system maintain a tag pr. platform.
> The idea would be:
>   when master compiles on platform Foo, set/move tag "buildable_on_<foo>".
> Doing that would have a very minimal effect on the build job, but give (at 
> least) new contributors a better security, that any build problems are local.
> I highly recommend that such a tagging be implemented, and volunteer to 
> update our "getInvolved" page to reflect this.
> I am aware it does not guarantee that ci can build on all platforms, but it 
> gives us a push in the right direction.
> thoughts?
> rgds
> jan I.
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