On Fri, 2011-09-30 at 16:25 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> Le 29/09/11 18:02, Terrence Enger a écrit :
> Hi Terry,
> Not sure whether what I have in my memory has any bearing on this, but...
> I remember discussions with Frank Schoenheit back from the OOo days
> about mysql ODBC driver misbehaviour because it erroneously reported
> some status and functionality to SBDC/SDBCx, so when of course something
> else in the code tried to use them...well, they naturally failed, blew
> up or caused some other untold and unexpected madness. I can't remember
> now whether the driver was understating or overstating its capacities,
> but it did cause problems.
> Like I said, not really sure that this is related to your question, but
> it might be.

Not directly related, I think, but it does remind me that I
should pay some attention to mysql.

My interest is in the fractions of seconds in times and
timestamps, an interest provoked by bug 34309 "Error on
importing a timestamp field from db2 via ODBC"
However, it looks like mysql stopped supporting fractions of
seconds with version 4.1, released in October, 2004.  Does
anybody care at all about the behaviour of versions that
old?  If anybody does care, how would I know?


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