
2011/10/17 Caolán McNamara <caol...@redhat.com>:
> On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 17:31 +0200, Németh László wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have attached two patches for the Hyphen library and the English
>> hyphenation patterns, also a test document.

I'm sorry again, later I have found the conflict within the different
hyphenation mechanisms (dictionary based and the default hyphenation
of words with hyphens), also an older bug with the output hyphenation
vector, so I had to improve the patch to solve these problems, too.

> Pushed now, thanks for this. Though IIRC you've got commit access if you
> want to push similar yourself direct ?

Thanks, I would like to do that in the near future.


> C.
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