Hi Regina,

2011/10/24 Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>:
> Hi all,
> I want to add some line ends, which are used in UML diagrams, to
> standard.soe. Problem is the localization of the names of that new line
> ends. Please correct me where I'm wrong in the following:
> In svx/source/dialog/sdstring.src the resource-IDs of kind RID_SVXSTR_LEND0
> are connected to the English display name of the line end.
> /translations/source/<lang>/svx/source/dialog.po contains the translation
> for this display name.
> What is the task of those RID_SVXSTR_LEND0_DEF kind, with the ending '_DEF'?

_DEF ending contains the English string (should be exactly the same as
it is in the .soe file). The other entry withourt _DEF is
translatable. So in the localized resource we will have both the
English original and the localized string. When LibreOffice reads a
soe file, it looks for English definition in the resource and displays
its corresponding localized string on the UI.

> The actual number of the resource-ID is defined in /svx/inc/svx/dialogs.hrc
> I first thought I could add such resource-IDs, but the numbers are
> consecutive, so after RID_SVXSTR_LEND12_DEF follows immediately
> RID_SVXSTR_LEND0. And at the end of the range there are only free numbers
> from 'RID_SVX_START + 796' to 'RID_SVX_START + 799', perhaps to
> 'RID_SVX_START + 801', if those in cuires.hrc does not conflict with these
> in dialogs.hrc. But that are not enough for 7 new line ends.
> So, what to do? What is allowed, what is recommend?

Renumber the whole section of line endings, for example start from 2770.

Best regards,
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