At 12:57pm -0400 Fri, 28 Oct 2011, Alexander Wilms wrote:
There's a short summary with a few examples in this document:

1) It would be useful if the user could define alternating colors
for table rows/columns and maybe even export Styles for
text/shapes/tables formatting and coloring to a xml file or something
for easy exchange.

I concur that this would be very helpful, at least in my line(s) of work. I hope, however, that it could be more general than just "every other" row/column. For instance, there are times I need every 3rd row to be colored, or I need a set of 2 rows colored every 2 rows. Something like

Row 1: color 1
Row 2: color 1
Row 3: color 2
Row 4: color 2
Row 5: color 1
Row 6: color 1
Row 7: color 2
Row 8: color 2

I've done this manually to date, but having a general description or way to handle this would be *very* nice.

As to how difficult it would be to implement? I don't know. I'm not working in that part of the code. However, I'll bet an interested (coding) party would have an easier time going about it if there were an actual use-case/specification.


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