Hi Luke,

11/2/2016 3:54 AM, Luke Benes пишет:

Us, as in the LibreOffice, the software many of us volunteer to make as good as 
possible for everyone to enjoy.

Should the Chinese IT manager be embarrassed? Maybe, but coming from a First 
World nation, it’s hard for me to imaging supporting my family on $800/month, 
but at least I try to understand. Should my grandfather at almost 80 now be 
embarrassed? I don’t think so. Maybe I should have tried harder. I know he 
doesn’t use his Chromebook and never boots to Lubuntu.

The point is there are a lot of people out there for whatever reason still us 
XP. Despite what you keep suggesting, dropping XP won’t do anything to change 

From: tlillqv...@gmail.com<mailto:tlillqv...@gmail.com> 
<tlillqv...@gmail.com><mailto:tlillqv...@gmail.com> on behalf of Tor Lillqvist 
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 2:13 PM
To: slacka
Cc: libreoffice-dev
Subject: Re: Merging feature/commonsallayout branch

 Had we already dropped support for XP, it would have been an embarrassing
demonstration and reflected badly on us.

The only ones that should be embarrassed are those still running XP. Also, who 
are these "us" you are speaking for? --tml

While I agree that no one is to judge if those who are still running XP should 
be embarrassed or not, this specific consideration doesn't matter here.

Those who chose to stay with XP chose the software branch that isn't updated 
anymore. They made their choice between fixed set of functionality that is put 
into XP and evolving set of functionality that is being expanded in later 
versions. OS being platform, this choice inherently included also choosing to 
stay with software that supports that OS. And by making that decision, you 
imply that they suddenly put extra burden on "us" those who volunteer to put 
their effort into writing LO? Just by deciding to stay with aging OS, without 
any donation to this community or someone in person, someone magically creates 
an obligation on "us" and makes it twice as difficult for someone other to 
support and develop their software?

Instead, I see it another way: they had already made a choice to stay with one 
stalled branch (XP); they also chose to stay with another (their version of 
MSO); it's just natural that they can make the same decision about yet another 
software: say v.5.2 of LO. It does support XP, and is open and free as always; 
no one ever takes the right to use that from them.

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
LibreOffice mailing list

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