Nope, that doesn't fix it.

I'm fairly convinced that this is the same problem I've been having for a long time now, where the scripting module is not compiling one of the JAR's properly, and that is having knock-on effects.
Specifically, the line that says this:
 [ build JCS ] Jar/ScriptProviderForJava
is still spitting out lots of "cannot find symbol".

Regards, Noel Grandin

Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Noel,

On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 10:02 +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
Not quite sure where this build fail comes from - running make from
the root says that the build fail is in tail_build, but running in the
tail_build module gives a completely different error.

So I also ran a build under scripting and included that log.
Any ideas?
        I guess it is from the new .sdi deps that has:

c:/libreoffice/libo/workdir/ :  \
  C:\libreoffice\libo\solver\\inc\editeng\editids.hrc \
  C:\libreoffice\libo\solver\\inc\editeng\memberids.hrc \
  C:\libreoffice\libo\solver\\inc\sfx2\cntids.hrc \

        Does the error change if we turn those '/' into '\' in the path name in
the basslots.d file ?




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