Cor Nouws wrote (13-11-11 21:20)
Rainer Bielefeld wrote (11-11-11 20:06)

I'm afraid "Try to get more testers doing the testing earlier" will be
the critical/limiting condition.

You are perfectly right there!
(This information was contained in the slides that I did not include in
the version linked from that wiki :-\ )

The idea here is the following:
When a beta is announced, many people jump in to test. Now it would be
great if we could attract (part of) that group to start working with the
developer builds asap after feature freeze!
(Arrows #1 on slide 23)

Would that make sense?

So, while at our 4th Dutch LibreOffice (Hackers) event, we discussed this.
Since in The Netherlands we have both a busy Sinterklaas fest and a long Christmas time, and we are already in the end of November, there is little change in organising a successful test-event in December,
Anyway not for us.
A test-event, was one of the ideas from the presentation (1), slide #24

So we think about January 21, convenient for all involved here.
But looking at the release plan, that is just after the RC1 for 3.5.0. Which is sad, because the goal is to get more people test early, thus after the first/second build after feature freeze...

- Would it be an idea to work parallel in some countries (France, Germany)...?
 - January 21 is a possibility..
- But another moment earlier too, so that some of us (Nl/Flanders) could join virtual?

What do you think?



Prima office software - niet duur, wél vrij ?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 - Cor

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