Hi Kevin,

On Thu, 2011-11-24 at 01:05 -0500, Kevin Hunter wrote:
> I wanted to create an ScDocument to work with in a new test file.  I was 
> thinking in terms of test driven development and having some tests such 
> that I could execute only them, as something akin to:
> $ make  just_this_set_of_tests

        Ah - you just want to run a smaller set of tests, and faster than
running all of the 'make unittest' changes in master ?

> I was educated that because each separate test file needs an entirely 
> separate invocation of soffice (and all that that entails),

        Nah - it's not soffice; but a unit test linked with some biggish chunks
of code.

> Thus, the answer to my question boiled down to: during development
> or bug hunting, comment out all superfluous tests in another, existing
> test file.

        I would suggest two things:

        a) we can add an environment variable and check for it in
           gnumake such that only one set of tests is run:

        make TEST_SUBSET=filters-test unitcheck

        or somesuch.

        b) we could (try) to hack cppunit to stringify the test-name in
           it's macros; so you could specify just one test to run:

        make TEST_SUBSET=filters-test TESTS=testDatabaseRanges unitcheck

        And do some cunning filtering somewhere there - might require more
cppunit patching / tweaking [ if that is not there already, perhaps it
is ].

        But of course; the easy & quick way out is to comment these out I



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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