On 05/19/2017 01:51 PM, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
I don't mind bumping to 10.9. the box that do the realease is already
at 10.9 anyway

Note <https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2017-April/077548.html> "Minutes of ESC call ..."

* Mac OS X 10.8 support (Michael S)
    + the only platform that does not have thread safe statics
      cf. https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93119
    + de-facto unsupported by Apple since August 2015
    + Mozilla dropped support September 2016
    + Chrome dropped support April 2016
    + deprecation warning in 5.4, and drop for 5.5? (Thorsten)
        + around 2nd half of May
        + OK to wait the month (Michael S.)
        + shouldn’t block OS update (Cloph)
        + support to wait 1 month (Kendy)
    + needs some work on Android too (Miklos)
        + toolchain update etc.
        + but shouldn’t affect the runtime (Miklos)
    + release note that etc. (Thorsten)

and resulting release notes update at <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?title=ReleaseNotes%2F5.4&type=revision&diff=146397&oldid=146394>.
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