
I'm trying to change the thickness of the 'redline' that appears in the margin to show a line that has changed. I've altered the geometries in SwMarkPreview::Paint() in optpage.cxx but this does not seem to be the right place as even placing a return at the start of this method seems to have no effect on the output. I'd appreciate a pointer to the correct area in the code.




The track changes red line in the margins is perfectly visible on my screen, but when printed or converted to pdf, it outputs very thinly, I think as a 'hairline'. I suspect my printer printer driver interprets this literally and the resulting line is barely visible on paper, and hence not much use. I thought others might have this problem, so I thought I'd try hacking the code to fix it, by allowing the line style to be adjusted (or at least hacked to 2pt). Sorry, it's my first time editing libreoffice.

I'm using Ubuntu 17.04;
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