When I said I'll solve it locally, I mean I'll solve it on my machine only.

2017-11-12 18:29 GMT+01:00 Bjoern Michaelsen <

> Hi,
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 09:40:41PM +0100, Zolnai Tamás wrote:
> > I meant a configure option what you can add to autogen.input and so you
> > don't need to type make <module>.build or make build-nocheck, but use the
> > simple "make" for building and make check for run a build with tests, but
> > never mind I solve it locally.
> Please dont. There have been endless bikeshed on which target do what and
> everytime you change something there will be another (unproductive) one.
> And it
> will take at least 6 month until all the documentation and wikipages on the
> build are again reflecting the status quo.
> Furthermore, this isnt about configuration, but about build targets -- so
> it
> doesnt belong to autoconf (which already does way to many things anyway).
> As others have pointed out, the targets you are looking for are available.
> If
> you dont like how they are named, please just create yourself some
> function or
> alias in your local ~/.bashrc, but do not force this on the rest of the
> world[1].
> Best,
> Bjoern
> [1] The _only_ reason to change the meaning of common targets at all is to
> move them
>     towards the most widely accepted expectations. And that would be to
> resemble:
>     http://airs.com/ian/configure/
>     as closly as possible. OTOH, better fitting someones personal taste is
> NOT a
>     good reason for change.
>     And even in the case of moving towards what autotools would do, the
> main
>     task is hunting down and updating all preexisting LibreOffice build
>     documentation in wikis, askbot, repos and articles and adapt that.
>     Without the latter, such a change would STILL be a net negative.
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