<http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=9351f4c1d6a3567c3b013894a0cc08471b4b0156> "Tests apparently depend on localedata_en library." is yet another non-obvious dependency the "large" unit tests in sc, sw etc. have on their environment. I fear that the approach of having such "large" unit tests with fat dependencies, who's dependencies in turn have additional hidden runtime dependencies is not really maintainable. How should those manually tracked dependencies be kept accurate? Compare this with the original idea of subsequent tests, making those tests depend on a complete installation and running them within the environment of that installation.

My opinion is that we have to accept the fact that those "large" unit tests are in fact subsequent tests (to be run in the environment of a complete installation), and that "true" unit tests (executed during the build, not at the end when the installation set is available) need to have much smaller and cleaner dependencies to be useful and maintainable.

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