On 11/17/2017 10:03 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
* clang-format cannot automatically reformat code

Most comments in the code are written by humans, for humans.  They are often placed in a way that makes it technically unclear what code they pertain to, relying on humans to nevertheless easily discern that.  For example, in

void f(int x) { g(x + 1); } // long comment explaining how g internally subtracts one

the comment clearly pertains to the call to g.  Yet, clang-format will reformat this to something like

void f(int x)
    g(x + 1);
} // long comment explaining how g internally subtracts one

instead of

void f(int x)
    g(x + 1); // long comment explaining how g internally subtracts one

thereby obscuring things.  Always review automatically reformatted code for glitches like this.

Another gotcha to watch out for related to comments is how

void decl1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment 
comment comment comment
              // comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
comment pertaining to decl1
void decl2();
    // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
pertaining to decl2
void decl3();

void f() {
    statement1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment 
comment comment comment
                  // comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining 
to statement1
        // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
pertaining to statement2

is reformatted to

void decl1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment 
comment comment comment
    // comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
pertaining to decl1
void decl2();
// lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
pertaining to decl2
void decl3();

void f()
    statement1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment 
comment comment comment
        // comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to 
    // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
pertaining to statement2
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