Hi Kaplan,

27.12.2011 03:04, Lior Kaplan пишет:
The in Insert -> Indexes and Tables dialog, the word "Preview" (bottom
right corner in English interface) is trimmed. See screenshot (3.5.0
beta2). In RTL interface the same problem happens, and with a longer
translation more of the text is trimmed.

No problem for me, but I use the other font...

As this is a minor issue, I preferred to mention it here instead of
opening a bug... (but I will if needed). I guess the change is at
sw/source/ui/index/* but not sure where exactly (sorry, not a programmer).

Not a great programmer too, but lets look together... :)

SwMultiTOXTabDialog is derived from TabDialog. TabDialog uses the weird automatic arrangement code, see vcl/source/window/tabdlg.cxx, method TabDialog::ImplPosControls(). After executing this method all controls below a TabControl will have the same width! And this width is calculated as max width of text of control plus some constant IMPL_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH. For buttons this works. For checkbox this fails.

So what to do?

1. dirty hack: increase IMPL_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH :)
2. consider type of controls and use an appropriate method to determine the width.
3. smth else?

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