The tile rendering exception was caused by this path:

OUString VclBuilderContainer::getUIRootDir()


    OUString sShareLayer(


    return sShareLayer;


was not defined.
Manually adding BRAND_SHARE_SUBDIR=share
to fundamentalrc allowed me to render a tile using the CGContext based code
in the unit test, and save it to a png. Woohoo!

I'm not sure where that should be added?

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 9:44 PM, Jon Nermut <> wrote:

> Well a framework is effectively dylib *in a bundle*. For swift there is
> some special module stuff baked in too. So I also moved all the resources
> to the framework (hence the changes I made to look up the framework bundle
> instead of the main bundle to find the rc / unorc etc files.
> You're probably right that you should be able to spit out a dylib or a
> framework from ld - I've just spent *way* too much of my professional life
> fighting xcode on this kind of stuff that I'll always go with what the IDE
> says. Which these days is frameworks. But if you can get the .mk to produce
> a dylib and be able to use it the dev process will be better whether you
> use a framework to encapsulate the library or not.
> Does the dylib load at all on the device? Or does it give image not found
> error, or symbol not found? It's very sensitve to paths - both where the
> dylib is in the bundle (if you put it in the embed section it will be under
> /Frameworks/), and the runtime search path setting, which needs to include
> that location.
> NB our app which has an embedded framework wrapping the pdfium lib, has
> been in the appstore with that framework for at least a year.
> > My problem was more how to use the returned array in order to render it
> effectively
> So that was using the paintTile function? What did you pass into it - a
> CGContextRef or a byte array? Or is paintTile the wrong function to be
> calling entirely??
> If a CGContextRef (which is what it has to be, given this)
> static void doc_paintTile(LibreOfficeKitDocument* pThis,
>                           unsigned char* pBuffer,
>                           const int nCanvasWidth, const int nCanvasHeight,
>                           const int nTilePosX, const int nTilePosY,
>                           const int nTileWidth, const int nTileHeight)
> {
> ...
> #if defined(IOS)
>     SystemGraphicsData aData;
>     aData.rCGContext = reinterpret_cast<CGContextRef>(pBuffer);
>     // the Size argument is irrelevant, I hope
>     ScopedVclPtrInstance<VirtualDevice> pDevice(&aData, Size(1, 1),
> DeviceFormat::DEFAULT);
>     pDoc->paintTile(*pDevice.get(), nCanvasWidth, nCanvasHeight,
>                     nTilePosX, nTilePosY, nTileWidth, nTileHeight);
> #else
> then the overall way to get a UIImage is as per the POC code in
> DocumentController - set up a Image CGContext, do the render, then call
> UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext
>             UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width:
> canvasWidth, height: canvasHeight), false, 1.0)
>             let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
>             print(ctx)
>             let ptr = unsafeBitCast(ctx, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.
> self)
>             print(ptr)
>             doc.paintTile(pBuffer:ptr,
>                           canvasWidth: Int32(canvasWidth),
>                           canvasHeight: Int32(canvasHeight),
>                           tilePosX: tilePosX,
>                           tilePosY: tilePosY,
>                           tileWidth: tileWidth,
>                           tileHeight: tileHeight)
>             let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
>             UIGraphicsEndImageContext()
> The unsafeBitCast in there is really just the reverse, (and just as
> horriable) of the reinterpret_cast in doc_paintTile
> Once you have a UIImage you can blat it to the screen in a UIImageView, or
> save it to disk etc.
> From memory to get a UIImage from a byte array you have to go via CGImage
> This is some sample code that goes from a byte buffer to a CGImage, then
> to a UIImage
> let buffer = FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(bitmap)
> let bitsPerComponent = 8
> let bitsPerPixel = 32
> let bytesPerRow = 4 * width
> let colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
> let intent = CGColorRenderingIntent.defaultIntent
> let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Little.union(CGBitmapInfo(rawValue:
> CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipFirst.rawValue))
> let cgImage = CGImage(width: width, height: height, bitsPerComponent:
> bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel: bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow,
> space: colorSpaceRef, bitmapInfo: bitmapInfo, provider: provider!, decode:
> nil, shouldInterpolate: false, intent: intent)
> return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 0.5, orientation:
> UIImageOrientation.up)
> I can see this stuff is used and working on Android, but there are quite a
> few #ifdef IOS in there haven't been exercised in a while... And it's using
> quite a different rendering mechanism drawing to a CGContext compared to
> drawing to a byte buffer.
> On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:31 PM, jan iversen <> wrote:
>> Happy new year, very interesting work.
>> I have just updated my master, and now I see your problem with libassuan,
>> which I am trying to solve. It is being build locally but not copied to the
>> right place. I did a couple of commits yesterday to a.o. include your idea
>> on how to make LIBRARY_PATH relative, thanks for that.
>> > try the -r flag which is for prelinking. you can see that in the .mk
>> file
>>> Couldn't get that to do anything. I also tried -flto=thin which
>>> supposedly can do incremental linking, but again little effect
>> Look in iOS/, there you will find
>>         $(IOSLD) -r -ios_version_min 11.1 \
>>             -syslibroot $(MACOSX_SDK_PATH) \
>>             -arch `echo $(CPUNAME) |  tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` \
>>             -o $(IOSOBJ) \
>>             $(WORKDIR)/CObject/ios/source/LibreOfficeKit.o \
>>             `$(SRCDIR)/bin/lo-all-static-libs` \
>>             $(call gb_StaticLibrary_get_target,iOS_kitBridge)
>>         $(AR) -r $(IOSKIT) $(IOSOBJ)
>> which does prelinking (different from incremental linking). You can see
>> it generated and .o file, which is then put into an archive.
>>> Nah it would be very difficult if not impossible to get a swift
>>> Framework built through make - one thing that I've learnt in iOS
>>> development is don't fight XCode. You'ld end up just calling xcodebuild
>>> anyway, which still needs the project set up correctly.
>> ??? xcode runs perfect on the command line, so I do not understand why
>> you say it is impossible.
>> * The linking of the framework takes just as long as the app did. But
>>> once you have it built, as long as you don't touch the framework, rebuilds
>>> of the app are fast
>> This is as expected. The framework is basically a dylib so of course
>> linking to that is a lot faster.
>> I am still not convinced making a framework is a better solution than
>> just linking a dylib directly, at least I do not see the advantages and at
>> least one disadvantage, one more xcode project to maintain.
>>> * It's only been tested on the simulator. Needs some more stuffing about
>>> to link the correct lib for device.
>> dylib works very well in the simulator, my first test on my iPad (iOS
>> 11.2) did not turn out very well. I am also looking into another problem,
>> it seems that the App Store, still only allows upload of statically linked
>> *** The way it's set up in the app at the moment with 3 schemes isn't as
>>> it should be - you should have just one scheme, and use Configuration is
>>> for debug/release, and platform/arch for simulator vs device. This will
>>> work ok in the app once the framework is configured to link the correct .a
>>> file. Which I will sort out if you move forward with this
>> The reason for using different schemes, is that the xcode doc recommends
>> it, and it make the use simpler, since you just have to select a scheme.
>> Why do you think just having 1 scheme is better ?
>>> * I built out the Swift wrappers to cover all of the LibreOfficeKit
>>> functions. Have a look at Document.swift in particular. The next step would
>>> be to make an extension of Document to make iOS friendly methods for eg
>>> rendering to a UIImage
>> It is a different approach, but one I like, we do however still need the
>> C file.
>>> * I tried to get a tile rendering both in the test and the app. No good.
>>> Firstly I was trying to pass a byte buffer to paintTile as per the
>>> method signature, but it force casts that param to a CGContextRef a couple
>>> of layers down...
>>> But even after creating one of those to render into a image, it crashes
>>> with an uncaught exception of type 
>>> com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException
>>> (see pic of stack trace below)
>>> Which took me deep into debugging core LibreOffice, which I didn't
>>> really want to be, and was a bit frustrating. Maybe I'm missing some init
>>> code, or passing the wrong params.
>>> Feels like it might be bitrot of this tiling code that was written as a
>>> POC in 2015 or so? I wonder when the last time it worked was. You mentioned
>>> that you couldn't get it working either?
>> My problem was more how to use the returned array in order to render it
>> effectively.
>> The paintTile code is used both in the android version (see core/android)
>> and the online (separate git repo), so it works.
>> You might have run into a problem with swift delivering a false type of
>> array.
>>> Anyway, I really think splitting into a Framework is the way to go - I
>>> think the rendering problems are probably independent of this.
>>> It provides a good separation between app and library, and makes the app
>>> be able to be pure swift.
>>> It would certainly make using LOK in another app much much easier, than
>>> trying to unpick the example app.
>> Which example app ?
>> The old example app have been removed because it was very outdated.
>> keep up the good work, I will get around to integrate part of it soon.
>> rgds
>> jan I.
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