
Caolán McNamara, on jeu. 25 janv. 2018 15:31:34 +0000, wrote:
> FWIW, there is a little script in LibreOffice as bin/lint-ui.py which
> checks for various things. It doesn't do the above, but it does at
> least demo some simple .ui parsing.


Is there a particular codestyle that we should follow?  I didn't find
particular codestyle in various python script in LO, probably because
the python syntax already imposes quite a lot, and thus enough to get
homoegenous code?

> > One of the remaining questions we have (it's not blocking for our
> > immediate development, though) is whether this tool should be
> > integrated within libreoffice, or within glade. The latter would both
> > allow more widespread use of the tool by other projects, and make the
> > maintenance happen there, thus less work for LibreOffice :)
> With glade would seem most natural, seeing as we just reuse the
> gtkbuilder file format which gtk uses. But if ends up as a relatively
> simple standalone script perhaps it just needs its own gitlab/github
> toplevel project and LibreOffice can pull it down from there if it
> wants to integrate it into our build

Ok, maybe we can start on our
https://git.hypra.fr/youpi/libreoffice-non-regressions repository for
now and see where to move it for better visibility and contributions

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