Hi everyone,

I have just pushed commit c91f70f9b0129685737260c04a2e347726f1dedf, which adds a new Perl module dependency: Font:TTF::Font from SIL [1]. This is required to correctly retrieve the versions of the fonts we include into MSI packages. Without that, we repeatedly encounter issues related to fonts being removed or not installed, because Windows thinks that the proposed fonts have too low version.

So, those who build MSIs, would need to install the module using something like `sudo cpan Font::TTF::Font` (or without `sudo` works here on Cygwin also). The buildbots that generate MSIs need that, too.

I will update the wiki [2] shortly.

[1] https://metacpan.org/release/Font-TTF
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnWindows

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
LibreOffice mailing list

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