Le 23/07/2018 à 12:28, Michael Stahl a écrit :

Thank you for your answer. Finally it works with the following options added to my autogen.input:

Both are necessary to build LO 6.1 in release mode. It was not the case until branch 6.0. It seems I didn't use "make distclean" as I thought I did when I tested this options.

Best regards.
On 15.07.2018 18:48, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:

I try to build LO 6.1 in release mode as I did for previous versions, but it fails with the following error messages:

/home/libo/60/instdir/program/libpyuno.so has suspicious NEEDED: libpython3.5m.so.1.0 /home/libo/60/instdir/program/libucpftp1.so has suspicious NEEDED: libcurl-gnutls.so.4

neither of these libraries can be relied upon to be available on any contemporary GNU/Linux system, so these warnings look appropriate to me.

/home/libo/60/instdir/program/libucpcmis1lo.so has suspicious NEEDED: libcurl-gnutls.so.4 /home/libo/60/instdir/program/libsvllo.so has suspicious NEEDED: libcurl-gnutls.so.4 /home/libo/60/instdir/program/libpythonloaderlo.so has suspicious NEEDED: libpython3.5m.so.1.0 /home/libo/60/postprocess/CustomTarget_check_dynamic_objects.mk:20 : la recette pour la cible

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 x86-64 and the version of curl installed by the system is 7.47.0, using internal curl did not help.

using internal curl is really supposed to fix this.  did you perhaps forget to "make ucb.clean svl.clean" after changing the flags in autogen.input?

I tried to build with the option --enable-python=fully-internal without success.

same question, but you'd need "make pyuno.clean".  the build system can't automatically rebuild things when configure flags change.

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