Hi Everyone,

Following is the update of my work and the some of the leftover work which
i intend to do in this last week of GSoC :

1. Fixed the appearance of white background in areafillstyle toolbox
https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/57847/v .

2 Added shortcut toolbox for tabbed variants in draw
https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/58464/ .

3. Making a refresh notebookbar function to update notebookbar settings
https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/56864/ , but now persona are not
uploading well so
testing of patch have become unfeasible.

4. Tried to add chart uno commands in notebookbar, problem I faced is to
notify the uno url of chart from other modules( using listeners).

5. Also worked on accessibility, since backend for ui handling in
notebookbar is less, handling these childs and objects was not easy though
partial accesibility is there
for menu buttons but not for all boxes.

6. Some leftover work which I'am trying to do this week is to make is to
make new menu button for notebookbar, and as draw notebookbar is WIP, if
some work is required

Kshitij Pathania
LibreOffice mailing list

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