Over the years, I've probably done several hundred windows builds. Until now I 
have never been bitten an intermittent Unit Test failures. This month, I have 
started to see fairly regular failure of VclComplexTextTest::testArabic 3 out 
of ~15 builds.

Here are 2 separate examples of the Jenkins_Windows Tinderbox seeing the same 
failure in the past 2 days:



Has anyone investigated this? Is there any way to search Jenkins logs to see 
when this failure first occurred? 


[build CUT] drawinglayer_border
`anonymous namespace'::CanvasBitmapTest::runTest finished in: 841ms
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 72
- Actual  : 75

VclComplexTextTest::testArabic finished in: 971ms
VclComplexTextTest::testTdf95650 finished in: 527ms
C:/core/vcl/qa/cppunit/complextext.cxx(98) : error : Assertion
Test name: VclComplexTextTest::testArabic
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 72
- Actual  : 75

Failures !!!
Run: 3   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
make CppunitTest_vcl_complextext CPPUNITTRACE=TRUE # which is a shortcut for 
the following line
make CppunitTest_vcl_complextext CPPUNITTRACE="'C:/Program Files 
(x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe' /debugexe" 
# for interactive debugging in Visual Studio
make CppunitTest_vcl_complextext CPPUNITTRACE="drmemory -free_max_frames 20" # 
for memory checking (install Dr.Memory first, and put it to your PATH)

You can limit the execution to just one particular test by:

[build DEP] LNK:CppunitTest/test_writerperfect_calc.dll
make CppunitTest_vcl_complextext CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above mentioned 

[build LNK] CppunitTest/test_writerperfect_calc.dll
make[1]: *** [C:/core/solenv/gbuild/CppunitTest.mk:120: 
C:/core/workdir/CppunitTest/vcl_complextext.test] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
   Creating library 
C:/core/workdir/LinkTarget/CppunitTest/itest_xmloff_uxmloff.lib and object 
make: *** [Makefile:286: build] Error 2

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