On 31.01.19 11:00, Winfried Donkers wrote:

I am working on an enhancement for Calc, tdf90180.

Therefore I need to add a configuration item to registrymodifications.xcu.
I have created a class to obtain the configuration item, using a derivative of 
::com::sun::star::utl::ConfigItem and copying/adapting existing code to 
retrieve configuration items.

utl::ConfigItem is sort of deprecated and you should have a really good excuse to use it in new code.

When the new configuration item is not yet in registrymodifications.xcu and 
upon opening a relevant Calc document I get an exception:
ignoring XHierarchicalNamesAccess to /org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Content/ErrorRectangle 
Exception: N3com3sun4star3uno9ExceptionE msg: ErrorRectangle"
When I manually add the configuration item to registrymodifications.xcu and 
open a relevant Calc document I get the same exception.
After running soffice (or scalc) my manual entry to registrymodifications.xcu 
is no longer there.

I have grepped similar -existing- configuration items in the code, and could 
not find anything that writes the item to registrymodifications.xcu.

Is there a simple way to fix this?
The only alternative I see now is to submit an incomplete patch to gerrit for 
review; I would like to avoid that.

i see no mention of the word "officecfg" in your mail, which is worrisome :)

so you first need to add your config item to the schema in officecfg/registry/schema/ somewhere.

then "make officecfg postprocess" will get you the new configuration in instdir; it should show up in Expert Configuration now, and if you change it there it should automatically be written to registrymodifications.xcu (which only contains non-default values).

to get and set it from C++ code it's most convenient to use officecfg's generated headers, "git grep officecfg::" should find you plenty examples.
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