On 01/02/2019 22:48, Terrence Enger wrote:
On Thu, 2019-01-31 at 13:09 -0700, julien2412 wrote:

I'm giving a try to migrate Firebird
from 3.0.0 towards 3.0.4

 From what I read, Firebird 4.0 is going to make it easy to handle
dates more like HSQLDB does.

4.0 is still pre-release, and I have not seen a projected date
for release.  Is it a good idea to move to 4.0?

Hello Terrence,

Given the facts that:

- Firebird is now a no more experimental feature in LO

- the number of bugs concerning Firebird in LO bugtrackers

- the lack of Base resources in LO

- the number of LO patches to build Firebird (+ you must take into account the different platforms)

- the 4.0 version of Firebird is still beta or even if we wait for the stable release, would still be the first one

- the slow rythm of releases in Firebird

I'd prefer sticking to 3.0.X branch of Firebird for the moment.

Of course, it's just my opinion and if someone would bump to 4.0, I won't be against it.


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