On 04.02.19 10:10, Winfried Donkers wrote:
Hi Mike,

I noticed a general unexpected behaviour when working with LibreOffice in 
Tools-Advanced-Expert Configuration.
When the setting is of type boolean, I cannot change the setting. I tried 
various existing settings, mainly in org.openoffice.Office.Calc and both with 
current Master and version as distributed with openSUSE Leap 15.0.
My conclusion was that for reasons unknown to me, boolean settings are not 
editable and int settings are.

Could you please describe what exactly "not editable" means? I.e., "I
double-click the boolean setting, and expect a dialog to pop up like for
ints, but instead, the setting just changes from true to false and back
in place, without dialogs"?

Ah, now I'm beginning to understand what isn't clear.
When using LO on a Linux machine, I need to double click a setting to edit it. 
In all cases, a dialog appears. For string and int type settings, I can 
change/replace the value. For boolean seeting, a dialog appears, bu I cannot 
change true to false or vice versa.

i just built a current master, and i'm not seeing this; double click toggles the boolean.

When using LO on a Windows machine (where I am at his moment), there is a 
difference in tha case of boolean type settings. No dialogs appears, but the 
value inverts by double-clicking.
I could not acchieve this (change the value of a boolean type setting by just 
double-clicking) on my openSUSE leap 15.0 machines - which I cannot access 
right now.

can you try different backends with SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen etc., maybe it's specific to some particular one.
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