Wols Lists wrote:

 > On 06/02/19 16:08, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
 > > Wol's lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> writes:
 > > 
 > >> Dunno whether this is a bug or a design decision or what, but it's a
 > >> pretty nasty breach of the principle ...
 > >>
 > >> Why, when I click on a cell, does calc NOT select the clicked cell?
 > >>
 > >> Okay, I know the answer - it's a hyperlink. BUT.
 > >>
 > >> I was editing a csv, I've got a column of email addresses, and some of
 > >> them have been hyperlinked, some of them haven't. I don't want
 > >> hyperlinks, I didn't ask for hyperlinks, and I can't see any way of
 > >> easily removing them!
 > >>
 > > Format > Clear Direct Formatting (Ctrl-M on my Mac).
 > > 
 > But clicking on the cell doesn't select it so <ctrl>M doesn't work! :-)

You could click in a nearby cell and move to it with the arrows.

 > Sorry I'm being facetious.
 > But there was a reason I titled my post "principle of least surprise".
 > It's pretty fundamental to me that clicking in a cell selects that cell.
 > So *why* is Calc changing that behaviour in a manner that is going to
 > surprise - painfully - a lot of people?
 > Plus <ctrl>M doesn't undo all the other stuff like changing the cell
 > colour. Is there any way to disable all this easily, seeing as I neither
 > want nor need it? To me this seems like an auto-corrupt disaster along
 > the lines of the story about the professor entering student grades, and
 > Excel auto-complete changing all the straight grades to plus or minus
 > ones. A very nasty surprise if you're not expecting it, and a bugger to
 > prevent it doing it. And a seriously corrupt spreadsheet if you don't
 > spot it in time.
You can better switch off the automatic URL transformation:

Tools > AutoCorrect Options > Options > URL Recognition
Piet van Oostrum <pie...@vanoostrum.org>
WWW: http://piet.vanoostrum.org/
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