Hi Sravan

Welcome to LibreOffice! It is nice to see you are interested in applying for a 
GSoC project. Having skill/knowledge/experience in programming, and especially 
in C++ helps a lot while working on the LibreOffice code-base.

As the student application date for GSoC is approaching, we suggest you to

* Go through the LibreOffice development getting started page [1]
* Start with solving some 'beginner' easyHacks [2] 
* Solve at least one 'interesting' easyHack
* Start discussing your ideas with possible mentors, and preparing your proposal
* Don't leave your proposal to the last day. Sooner is better.

Also checking the GSoC ideas page first, and trying to choose the easyHacks 
related to your probable idea(s) might be a good idea [3], and perhaps also the 
page for ideas without a mentor yet [4].

If you ever get stuck (after doing the usual leg-work (re(search), try, debug 
etc.) yourself), please don't hesitate to ask your questions either on the 
#libreoffice-dev IRC channel, or on this mailing list.

Best regards,

[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GetInvolved
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/EasyHacks/by_Required_Skill
[3] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas
[4] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas_without_a_mentor

On 10.03.19 19:47, sravan jain wrote:
> Good evening sir,
> My name is sravan jain from KL University ,India.I have been working on 
> opensource technologies since 2years especially on Machine Learning and I 
> have been using library office quite often for documentation.I think we 
> advance this more applying machine learning techniques to optimize it to a 
> greater extent.
> So please update me soon sir with any idea or work.
> Waiting for your reply.
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