
On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 5:37 PM smooth_vaibhav <vaibh...@iitbhilai.ac.in>

> I have been keen about the project idea of implementing the import
> functionality of external data in calc. I have some queries regarding it.
> 1) There are numerous possibilities of external data sources like database,
> files. So should the implementation should be independent of external
> source
> of data or is it the case that we first gonna store it in a ScDBdata.

The project is about adding some external data sources and the possibility
to extend that through extensions. We already have a few providers for
external sources from last year's GSoC project. The second step of
transforming the data before we actually write it to the calc document
itself is independent of the actual source.

> 2) Its given that the user can select the range of data to be selected and
> imported. Does that imply we provide them with a UI such that they can
> choose the number of columns and rows to be imported.
> I acknowledge the fact that the Mail list is to be used just for important
> purposes but I have some queries to clear for better understanding of the
> project idea.

Yes. There is already a really ugly UI that I hacked together a year ago.
In a current master build just go to Data->Data Provider and play around.
You might need to define a DB Range before actually being able to import
the data into the document.

As can be seen by the ugly UI there is quite some work necessary to make
the feature user friendly and I think this should be a central part of this
year's GSoC project.


> Thanks.
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