To whom it may concern:

I, Andrew D. Todd, birthright citizen of the United States of America, and of 
the state of West Virginia, and of the county of Monongalia in West Virginia, 
being sixty-one years of age, under no legal disability, subject to no 
coercion, and of sound mind, will, and spirit:

Whereas I have transmitted to LibreOffice , and to the Open Document 
Foundation, a draft of a computer program, “ws_htm” (r 9, September 22, 2019), 
for the conversion of WordStar files to HTML. 

And whereas I propose to establish a “gerrit” account for the transmission of 
additional materials.

I declare the program, and every future version of it which I may create, to be 
in the public domain, and I further stipulate, with full legal severability, 

All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the 
MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. 
Done this day, September 24, 2019, at Morgantown, West Virginia.

                            Andrew D. Todd
                           1249 Pineview Dr., Apt 1
                           Morgantown, WV 26505


                          Tel (North America): 304-599-0210


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