On 02.01.20 16:39, Bruno Patin - wanadoo wrote:

I began to work on macos to generate the libreoffice development environenment and as it went well proceeded to my actual target meaning linux and more precisely ubuntu 18.04. I tried to follow all the instructions as stated on the https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux address. Nevertheless it crashes on (I tried to provide as accurate as possible a translation of the french messages):

[CXX] sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport14.cxx
{entrée standard | standard input}: Messages de l'assembleur: (assembly messages) {entrée standard}:160123: Avertissement: fin du fichier n'est pas à la fin de la ligne ; nouvelle ligne insérée (warning: end of file is not at the end of line ; new line inserted) {entrée standard}:160996: Erreur: opérandes invalides (sections *UND* et .gcc_except_table) pour « - »  (error: invalid operands for "-") {entrée standard}:161094: Erreur: opérandes invalides (sections .text et *UND*) pour « - »
g++: internal compiler error: Processus arrêté (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-7/README.Bugs> for instructions.

"end of file is not at the end of line" ... hmm... either you're out of disk space and a file got truncated, or you have some buggy GCC or binutils that don't like each other?
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