loleaflet/images/lc_changesmenu.svg      |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_datamenu.svg         |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_downloadas.svg       |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_editmenu.svg         |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_file.svg             |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_pagesetup.svg        |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_sheetmenu.svg        |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_slidemenu.svg        |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_tablemenu.svg        |    1 
 loleaflet/images/lc_view.svg             |   88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 loleaflet/src/control/Control.Menubar.js |   14 ++--
 11 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 40418c0cbffec3664eaedc62ed2ecb9d12eb3a85
Author:     Pedro Pinto Silva <>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb 24 10:04:00 2020 +0100
Commit:     Pedro Pinto da Silva <>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 24 10:07:57 2020 +0100

    Mobile: Top menu (hamburger): add missing icons, add missing ids, add new 
view more icon
    Change-Id: I116b680bf203bd836f42e2dfe14507a9833589d5
    Tested-by: Pedro Pinto da Silva <>
    Reviewed-by: Pedro Pinto da Silva <>

diff --git a/loleaflet/images/lc_changesmenu.svg 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..088300cc5
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06251b16f
--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/loleaflet/src/control/Control.Menubar.js 
index 8f2d230ad..eb1eca66b 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/control/Control.Menubar.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/control/Control.Menubar.js
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {name: _('Word Document (.docx)'), id: 
'downloadas-docx', type: 'action'},
                                {name: _('Rich Text (.rtf)'), id: 
'downloadas-rtf', type: 'action'}
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'text'), type: 'menu', 
menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'text'), id: 'editmenu', 
type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {uno: '.uno:Undo'},
                                {uno: '.uno:Redo'},
                                {name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair',  type: 
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {name: _('PowerPoint 2003 Presentation 
(.ppt)'), id: 'downloadas-ppt', type: 'action'},
                                {name: _('PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx)'), 
id: 'downloadas-pptx', type: 'action'},
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'presentation'), type: 
'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'presentation'), id: 
'editmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {uno: '.uno:Undo'},
                                {uno: '.uno:Redo'},
                                {name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair',  type: 
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:Paste'), id: 
'warn-copy-paste',  type: 'action', mobileappuno: '.uno:Paste'},
                                {uno: '.uno:SelectAll'}
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 
'presentation', but not in xcu*/), type: 'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 
'presentation', but not in xcu*/), id: 'tablemenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {uno: '.uno:InsertRowsBefore'},
                                {uno: '.uno:InsertRowsAfter'},
                                {type: 'separator'},
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {uno: '.uno:DeleteColumns'},
                                {uno: '.uno:MergeCells'}]
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:SlideMenu', 'presentation'), type: 
'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:SlideMenu', 'presentation'), id: 
'slidemenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlide', 
'presentation'), id: 'insertpage', type: 'action'},
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:DuplicateSlide', 
'presentation'), id: 'duplicatepage', type: 'action'},
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:DeleteSlide', 
'presentation'), id: 'deletepage', type: 'action'}]
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {name: _('Excel 2003 Spreadsheet (.xls)'), id: 
'downloadas-xls', type: 'action'},
                                {name: _('Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx)'), id: 
'downloadas-xlsx', type: 'action'}
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'spreadsheet'), type: 
'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 
'editmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {uno: '.uno:Undo'},
                                {uno: '.uno:Redo'},
                                {name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair',  type: 
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:Paste'), id: 
'warn-copy-paste',  type: 'action', mobileappuno: '.uno:Paste'},
                                {uno: '.uno:SelectAll'}
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:SheetMenu', 'spreadsheet'), type: 
'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:SheetMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 
'sheetmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {name: _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsMenu', 
'spreadsheet'), type: 'menu', menu: [
                                        {uno: '.uno:InsertRowsBefore'},
                                        {uno: '.uno:InsertRowsAfter'}]},
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
                                        {uno: '.uno:DeleteRowbreak'},
                                        {uno: '.uno:DeleteColumnbreak'}]}
-                       {name: _UNO('.uno:DataMenu', 'spreadsheet'), type: 
'menu', menu: [
+                       {name: _UNO('.uno:DataMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 
'datamenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
                                {uno: '.uno:DataSort'},
                                {uno: '.uno:SortAscending'},
                                {uno: '.uno:SortDescending'},
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